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UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: Zappettini cont'd.: <br />1) A 30' dedication from centerline along southerly side of Altamont Road <br />for lot #1 frontage of 191 feet. <br />2) In lieu road and path payments for Altamont Road frontage of lot #1. <br />3) Lot #2 to be designated "Not a Building Site" and the designation <br />"Two Future Building Sites" to be deleted from the map. <br />4) Existing fence and improvements on dedicated 30' right of way on <br />lot #1 frontage to remain in public right of way, to be removed on <br />demand of Town at owner's expense. <br />Council discussion concerning path requirements at the road intersection <br />ensued, with Floor participation by Mrs. D. Saviano, 12620 Corte Madera Lane, <br />Messrs. Zappettini, Junior and Senior, and applicant's engineer, J. W. Riley. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by <br />Benson and carried unanimously, that the Tentative Map (354-69) of Wm. & Rose <br />Zappettini, 2 lots, be approved subject to the conditions of the Check List, <br />and with the understanding that a 10' path easement will be provided along <br />the easterly side of Page Mill Road, this easement to be usable after the <br />fence has been moved at the Town's expense. <br />Council thanked Mr. Zappettini and Mrs. Saviano, Pathway Committee representa- <br />tive, for their cooperation in resolving the path safety issue. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1 _WHEELER, 0. TRACT NO. 4184 CONTINUED: a 9 j <br />City Engineer stated that following discussion with the applicant's engineer, <br />Mr. E. Mastin, deeded access to a public road had been determined to exist <br />as follows: <br />1) The Final Map Certificate indicates a 40' easement as granted by <br />L. G. Broadas, providing deeded access from the Wheeler property to <br />Central Drive. <br />2) Deeded access via Central Drive to Page Mill Road was provided by <br />Mr. Wheeler's deed, <br />Mrs. F, Fava, 26691 Moody Road, complimented Mr. Wheeler for his park donation <br />to the Tom. <br />VOTE: The Motion to approve the Final Map of Oliver Wheeler, Tract #4184, <br />was carried unanimously. <br />STAFF REPORTS: <br />City Clerk reviewed the following: Jo -7 <br />1) Included on the warrant list was a final payment to Joseph R. Ramos, <br />contractor for S.A.D. #3, in the amount of $47,482.01. City Clerk noted <br />$500.00 had been retained by the Town to ensure settlement of claims remain- <br />ing outstanding. <br />2) Reviewed League of California Cities Legislative Bulletin opposing the <br />following: <br />(a) AB 240, which would prohibit local business license taxes on for - <br />hire carriers, unless the carrier maintains a place of business <br />within the City. <br />(b) Senate Bills 312 and 314, amending the Brown Act to apply to <br />committees or subcommittees of a legislative body and require <br />signed affidavits concerning executive sessions. <br />