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STAFF REPORTS: City Clerk cont'd.: <br />(c) AB374, providing retirement for policemen and firemen at age 50. <br />I <br />Staff recommended Council support of League of California Cities' opposition <br />` to this proposed legislation. Council concurred. <br />3) Reviewed legislative attempts to obtain flood relief for private property <br />owners and recommended support for same. Council concurred. <br />4) City Clerk expressed appreciation to Town Staff for cooperation during <br />the three month interim period without a City Manager, and welcomed Mr. Murl <br />M. Fritschle, new City Manager. <br />City Attorney: <br />1) Reviewed change to natural drainage channel in the vicinity of L. E. 3 6/ <br />Harris property at 10950 Magdalena Road, stating that if diversion of the <br />natural channel has occurred within the public right of way the Town should <br />initiate corrective action by Mr. Harris to return drainage water to its <br />natural channel. City Attorney requested City Engineer to determine if said <br />changes were within the property right of way. <br />Council concurred and instructed Staff to initiate corrective action if there has <br />been a diversion of the natural water course in the public right of way. <br />Capt. Harris questioned engineering data presented to the Council for review <br />by the City Engineer. Mayor Aiken stated the City Engineer had reviewed the <br />location of the drainage facilities in the area carefully and that previous <br />Council suggestions to alleviate the drainage problem are recorded on tapes <br />of previous Council meetings. <br />2) Reviewed complaints received concerning possible expanded facilities at <br />Adobe Creek Lodge beyond those uses permitted at the time of Town incorpora- <br />tion. City Attorney stated complaints received included the following uses: <br />a) expanded use of riding school and rental stables; b) establishment of a <br />motel; c) trailers as residences; d) larger sound amplifiers; and e) trap <br />shooting range. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Benson moved, seconded by Helgesson <br />and carried unanimously, that the City Attorney be authorized to communicate <br />with Mr. David Bellucci, owner of Adobe Creek Lodge, advising him of complaints <br />received and that the City Attorney is reviewing these complaints to determine <br />if possible violations exist and should be discontinued. <br />3) Reviewed letter from Richard S. Wilbur, dated March 10, 1969, requesting <br />payment for sewer easement in S.A.D. #3 and maintenance of drainage ditch on <br />his property. City Attorney stated that the warrant list included an ease- <br />ment acquisition payment for Dr. Wilbur and that Town crews had been <br />dispatched to clean the aforementioned drainage ditch. <br />PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR: 1131 <br />1. Mrs. D. Miller, 13076 Vista del Valle Court, inquired as to whether an <br />outside engineering opinion should be obtained pertaining to the Harris <br />drainage problem on Magdalena Road. <br />Council concurred this would not be desirable unless there were an engineer- <br />ing conflict since at this time Mr. Harris has presented only verbal state- <br />ments and no substantiated engineering facts. <br />-5- <br />