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Election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor cont'd.: <br />ELECTION OF MAYOR: <br />Councilman Benson nominated Wm. Ross Aiken for the Office of Mayor. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Benson moved, seconded by Fowle <br />and carried unanimously, that Nominations be closed and the Secretary be <br />instructed to cast a White Ballot for Wm. Ross Aiken for the office of Mayor <br />for a term expiring April 21, 1970. <br />ELECTION OF DEPUTY MAYOR: <br />Councilman Helgesson nominated Walter A. Benson for the Office of Deputy <br />Mayor. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Fowle, <br />and carried unanimously, that Nominations be closed and the Secretary be <br />instructed to cast a White Ballot for Walter A. Benson for the office of <br />Deputy Mayor for a term expiring April 21, 1970. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 5: <br />WHITCOMB, GLADYS A. (335-67) 3 lots, Arastradero Road. Request for declara- <br />tion of Lots #1 and #3 as building sites. <br />Staff report was presented, noting the three lot subdivision on Arastradero <br />Road had been approved, subject to the condition that Lots #1 and #3 be <br />declared "Not a Building Site" until sanitary sewers are available. City <br />Manager stated S.A.D. #3 sewer lines are available and recommended approval <br />of the request for declaration of Lots #1 and #3 as building sites, subject <br />to the following original conditions of the Check List: <br />1) Payment of $450.18 path in -lieu fee. <br />2) Payment of $46.80 park in -lieu fee. <br />3) Bond agreement or cash in -lieu of bond agreement be executed for land- <br />scaping required along southerly side of Arastradero Road and westerly <br />side of 32' driveway easement. <br />4) In -tract and off -tract roads and drainage as required by City Engineer. <br />5) Underground utilities. <br />6) Approval of City Engineer, Fire District, Santa Clara Health Department, <br />and adequate water service. <br />7) Existing residence (lot #2) be designated a non -conforming use. <br />John W. Riley, applicant's engineer, submitted letter from the Transamerica <br />Title and Insurance Co. dated April 21, 1969, advising Mrs. Whitcomb had <br />instructed them to withhold for payment to the Town of Los Altos Hills the <br />sum of $496.98 (representing path and park in -lieu fees). <br />Council discussion ensued concerning underground utilities and landscaping, <br />with Floor participation by J. W. Riley, Pierre Leroux, 26970 Arastradero <br />Road, and Mrs. N. C. Carter, 1188 Laureles Drive, Los Altos. <br />The following points were clarified during Council discussion: <br />1) In -lieu fees and landscaping bond agreement would be paid and executed <br />prior to issuance of any building permits. <br />-4- <br />