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SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 5: Whitcomb cont'd.: <br />2. City Attorney stated that subdividers had never been required to install <br />all utilities and that it would be the responsibility of new residents and/or <br />owners to provide underground utilities from existing utility sources to each <br />individual lot. <br />3. Applicant's engineer requested clarification of landscaping requirements. <br />Staff recommended original landscaping requirements of the Check List noted <br />above be required. Council concurred. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Fowle moved, seconded by Benson and <br />carried unanimously, that the request of Mrs. Gladys A. Whitcomb (335-67) for <br />declaration of Lots #1 and #3 as building sites be approved, subject to the <br />conditions of the Check List and that the applicant have a maximum of four (4) <br />months to fulfill said conditions. <br />Council concurred that the record should clearly state that any purchaser of <br />Lots #1 and #3 would be obligated for the installation of underground <br />utilities. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEMS: <br />1. ROBSON, ROBERT W. (V-320-69) - Request for 1216" reduction in side set- <br />back to 1716" for pool at 10723 Magdalena Road. <br />Staff report was presented, noting the Planning Commission had unanimously <br />approved the variance request and that the variance appeared necessary to <br />provide adequate location, due to topographic limitations of the lot. Staff <br />noted a private drainage problem exists on the lot and that the owner has <br />agreed to correct same in connection with the pool construction. <br />Council discussion ensued concerning the drainage and Council concurred the <br />variance did not directly relate to this private drainage problem. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Fowle moved, seconded by <br />Helgesson and carried unanimously, that the variance request of Robert W. <br />Robson (V-320-69) for 1216" reduction in side setback to 1716" for pool at <br />10723 Magdalena Road be approved. <br />2. CURRIE, GERARD (SSA -51-69) 12.788 acres, O'Keefe Lane. <br />Staff report was presented, noting the Planning Commission had unanimously <br />recommended approval, subject to the requirement of a 5' pathway easement <br />along the easterly boundary of the property and a floating path easement be- <br />tween O'Keefe Lane and the southwest corner of the property (location of the <br />path easement to be determined within six months and a rolled gravel path <br />without headers to be constructed). Staff noted Commission approval stated <br />that there be no implied approval of the proposed access, driveway, road, <br />stable, pool or residence. <br />Council discussion ensued concerning path requirements, with Floor participa- <br />tion by Mr. Currie and Mrs. D. Saviano, Pathway Committee Vice -Chairman. <br />Council concurred that since the path might properly be aligned either along <br />the southern boundary adjacent to the Freeway or along the proposed future <br />cul-de-sac, that a path should not be constructed and in -lieu path fees <br />should be required. <br />-5- <br />