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Last modified
4/19/2016 1:25:58 PM
Creation date
8/3/2015 2:27:20 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: Currie cont'd.: <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Benson moved, seconded by Fowle <br />and carried unanimously, that the request of Gerard Currie (BSA -51-69), <br />12.788 acres, O'Keefe Lane, be approved, subject to the conditions of the <br />Check List as modified to require a 10' pathway easement and in -lieu path <br />fees along the southerly boundary of the property. <br />3. HALL, FELIX (BSA -52-69) 2.713 acres, Dori Lane. <br />Staff report was presented, noting the Planning Commission had unanimously <br />recommended approval, subject to the following conditions: <br />1) Park and Open Space in -lieu fee. <br />2) A 10' path easement be provided along the southerly and southwesterly <br />boundaries, with a rolled gravel path without headers to be constructed. <br />Council discussion ensued concerning path requirements, with Floor participa- <br />tion by Felix Hall and Albert Uhalde, applicant's builder, and David Janssen, <br />27440 Sherlock Road. <br />The following points were clarified during Council discussion: <br />1) Mr. Hall could obtain a pathway easement from the adjacent 'dells property <br />as a replacement location for the path, but that the Town could not re- <br />locate the path to property that Mr. Hall did not own. <br />2) Council assured Mr. Hall that no path plan would be considered for the <br />eastern boundary of his property, being in near proximity to the proposed <br />residence. <br />3) City Attorney stated that if a path is dedicated and accepted by the <br />Town, that dedicator has no pathway liabilities unless he has contributed <br />to or created pathway hazards. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Fowle moved, seconded by Benson <br />and carried unanimously, that the request of Felix Hall (BSA -52-69), <br />2.713 acres, Dori Lane, for building site approval be approved, subject to <br />the conditions of the Check List. <br />4. MOYER, CARL (352-69) 2 lots, 5.54 acres, Fremont Road and Campo Vista <br />Lane. Engrs. Frahm, Edler & Associates. <br />Staff report was presented, noting the Planning Commission uanimously <br />recommended approval subject to the following additional conditions: <br />1) Lot #1 to be designated "Not a Building Site". <br />2) In -lieu road payment for Lot #2 frontage of Campo Vista Lane. <br />3) Lot #2 to be connected to sanitary sewers prior to construction of <br />residence on Lot #1. <br />4) Variance requests be granted for 16' reduction in front setback to 24' <br />for existing residence on Lot #2, and an appropriate reduction in front <br />and side setbacks for existing water tank on Lot #2. <br />City Attorney noted that where existing exceptions to the Zoning Ordinance <br />occur, the Town can approve said exceptions during the subdivision process <br />by so designating same as Conditional Exceptions. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Fowle moved, seconded by Helgesson <br />and carried unanimously, that the Tentative Map of Carl Moyer (352-69) 2 lots, <br />5.54 acres, be approved, subject to the conditions of the Check List. <br />
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