<br />dated May 5; Herbert Ginsberg, P. O. Box 368, Los Altos, dated May 5;
<br />Mr. and Mrs. Byron Dieterle, 27712 Moody Court, dated May 5; and Carl V.
<br />4W Christensr_a, 27130 Moody Court, dated May 5.
<br />6. J. D. Breyman, Office of the Secretary of Transportation, Washington,
<br />D. C., dated April 29, acknowledging previous Council communication concerning
<br />reduction or elimination of noise problems relative to Freeways.
<br />7. Donald E. Spencer, 27490 Sherlock Road dated May 4 expressing support
<br />for the low density subdivision of Mr. Oliver Wheeler.
<br />8. C. K. Priest, City Clerk of Costa Mesa dated April 24 urging adoption of
<br />AB1356, which will place firefighters in Cities under the Employer/Employee
<br />Relations Act.
<br />9. Margaret L. Moore, City Clerk of Long Beach, dated April 23 urging support
<br />to the introduction of a bill providing that daylight savings time be observed
<br />nationally on a year -around basis.
<br />10. Thomas M. Jenkens, attorney for Purissima Hills County Water District
<br />dated April 30, providing information on the public status of the Water
<br />District and history on the relationship with the San Francisco ;Yater Depart-
<br />ment, and noting that contrary to communication previously received from Mr.
<br />Frank M. Shriver, the :Yater District has never taken affirmative action to
<br />require any one to end utilization of their own wells.
<br />11. Maurice R. Johnson, President of the Board of Directors, Purissima Hills
<br />County Water District, dated May 5, opposing allegations raised in the letter
<br />from Mr. Frank 5hriver and requesting that the Council be represented at the
<br />next meeting of the Water District on May 14, 1969 at 7:30 P. M.
<br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1: o q
<br />Staff report was presented, noting the Planning Commission had reviewed
<br />possible abandonment of the public's right to use Central Drive for road
<br />purposes within the one acre park dedication to the Town by Mr. Oliver
<br />Wheeler, Tract No. 4184, and had taken the following action: "Commissioner
<br />McReynolds moved, seconded by Weisbart and carried unanimously, that Mr.
<br />George Hader's letter dated April 24, 1969 be forwarded to the.Council with
<br />Planning Commission approval and the further recommendation that there be
<br />more detailed planning in this area, specifically concerning circulation,
<br />turnarounds, etc., with particular attention invited to Paragraph 3, Page 1
<br />and the last paragraph of Page 2."
<br />Assistant City Manager read the following communications:
<br />1) The following communications expressed approval of the abandonment of the
<br />subject portion of Central Drive: Herbert Ginsberg; Mr, and Mrs. Byron
<br />Dieterle; Paul M. Sturm, 27070 Sherlock Road, dated May 4; Merlyn D. Stubbs,
<br />dated May 5; Florence M. Fava, dated May 1; Stella F. Walker, dated May 3;
<br />Carl V. Christensen, dated May 5; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Smith, dated May 5;
<br />Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Boissevain, 27181 Sherlock Road, dated May 1.
<br />2) Arthur Alter, Chairman, Los Altos Fire Protection District, dated May 5,
<br />stating that if possible Central Drive should be a through street for more
<br />adequate fire protection to the area; but barring this, a full 15' width non -
<br />410 vehicular emergency access road connecting Central Drive and Moody Court and
<br />adequately constructed to support 15 -ton vehicles, and properly maintained in
<br />-2-
<br />