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4/19/2016 1:26:06 PM
Creation date
8/3/2015 2:33:05 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1: Central Drive cont'd.: <br />the future, would be acceptable. The Commission further urged that the <br />suggestions of Mr. George Mader, Town Planner, incorporated in his letter <br />to dated April 24 regarding necessary planning being accomplished before any <br />further building construction is allowed in the area, be adopted by the <br />Council. <br />3) Copy from Peter J. Nardini, R. S., Supervising Sanitarian, County Health <br />Department, dated May 5, to Mr. David Jansson stating that the City Manager <br />and City Engineer have both assured the Health Department that the Council <br />will retain the right to reserve that portion of Central Drive for the place- <br />ment of sanitary sewers and other public utilities regardless of the specific <br />action decided upon by the Council in regard to abandonment of public road <br />rights. <br />4) Mr. George G. Mader, Town Planner, dated April 24. This communication <br />was referred to the Council with Planning Commission approval and particular <br />emphasis placed on the following points: <br />a) It is not possible to give a complete answer as to the implications of <br />the abandonment without making a rather detailed circulation study of the <br />entire IMPS Area. It would be preferable to make a decision on abandonment <br />within the context of a plan darived from such a study. <br />b) Mr. Mader suggests that development in the MAPS Area be curtailed until <br />necessary planning has been done and policy established with regard to road <br />locations, road standards and any other related physical improvements serving <br />the area. Mr. Mader also noted the following points in his letter: <br />1. Two long dead-end streets in Moody Court and Central Drive could func- <br />tion as cul-de-sacs to provide local property access without any <br />problem. Because of the nature of the possible fire hazard in the <br />canyon, however, it appears imperative that there be an emergency <br />connection between the ends of these streets, properly maintained by <br />the Town. Cul-de-sacs should also be provided at the ends of the <br />dead-end streets. <br />2. The steepness of the terrain along the Moody Court/Central Drive <br />alignment makes it very difficult to install a road to adequate width <br />standards. Tharp appears no over-riding reason to establish a <br />second through connection essentially parallel to the existing Moody <br />Road through connection to Page Mill Road. Loop connections should be <br />considered for the ends of Central Drive and Moody Court to provide <br />adequate area traffic connections. <br />c) Development should be absolutely discouraged from the steep slopes in <br />this area and encouraged on the more developable areas and the tree cover <br />on the steep slopes should be preserved. Development in the area should <br />provide adequate trail and path links into the canyon and the park. <br />5) George G. Mader, Town Planner, dated May 1, responding to City Manager's <br />request for clarification of comments in the memo of April 24, noted above. <br />Mr. Mader noted the April 24 memo was reviewed and approved by the Planning <br />Commission, while this memorandum has not been and that the observations in <br />the April 24th memorandum were made independently from Town Officials and <br />affected agencies. Mr. Mader stated his conclusions based on a brief study <br />` are: <br />` " 1. I can see no need to develop a through road on the Moody Court -Central <br />Drive alignment; however, turnarounds should be provided at the ends <br />of these streets and an emergency connection provided to connect the <br />-3- <br />
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