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4/19/2016 1:26:11 PM
Creation date
8/3/2015 2:33:56 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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SCHEDULED I1EM NO. 2: 11110 <br />CONSIDERATION OF CHANGING NA14E OF "BYRNE PARK" to "BYRNE WILDERNESS AREA". <br />Mayor Aiken expressed his feeling that the open space and nature preserve <br />tv atmosphere of Park should dictate a more appropriate designation than <br />"Park" to insure that people were not mislead into thinking playgrounds, <br />and similar facilities, are or would be available. <br />Council concurred and the following names were suggested: "Byrne Open Space <br />Preserve", "Byrne Conservancy". Mr. Donald Spencer, member of The Nature <br />Conservancy, noted they have applied a national designation to the property <br />as "Byrne Preserve". <br />Council concurred to explore a possible name change with The Nature Conservancy <br />and re -agenda this item in the near future. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1: .1 (b <br />HECKER, DR. S. P. (V-324-69) - Request for 3' reduction in side setback to <br />27' for cabana at 12532 Briones Way. <br />Staff report was presented noting a previous variance had been granted in <br />December, 1968 and that the applicant desires to relocate the cabana from the <br />easterly to the westerly end of the pool, with a corresponding 6' decrease in <br />setback from the original variance. City Manager noted Planning Commission <br />recommended approval. Dr. R. Steele, adjacent property owner, requested <br />the 30' setback requirements be adhered to and opposed granting of the <br />variance request. Mr. George Mader, Town Planner, noted the new cabana <br />location would have an impact less detrimental to the adjoining Steele and <br />Knox properties than the originally approved cabana location and that Dr. <br />Hecker is proposing a screen to hide the cabana and also plantings on the <br />slope between the Hecker and Steele properties. Dr. Hecker and Mr. John <br />Knox, adjacent property owner, spoke in support of the variance request. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Fowle <br />and carried unanimously, that the request of Dr. S. P. Hecker (V-324-69) <br />for a 3' reduction in side setback to 27' for pool and 10' reduction in <br />side setback to 20' for cabana at 12538 Briones Way be approved, subject to <br />repeal of the previous variance V-317-68. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: <br />FORD COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL (UP -321-69) - Request for modification of existing <br />use permit to allow rebuilding of garage and relocation of tennis court. <br />Staff report was presented noting seven adjacent property owners have signed <br />approval of the request, that no objections have been received and that the <br />Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval, subject to the follow- <br />ing conditions: <br />1. Roof and wall colors of the bus port shall blend in with natural surround- <br />ings and proposed color samples shall be satisfactory to the Site Development <br />Committee. <br />2. Planting shall be installed along the property line southwest of the bus <br />port to screen the bus port and adjacent paved areas. This planting will <br />serve as a replacement for the palm tree which will be removed during <br />construction of the bus port. Planting plans shall be submitted and approved <br />by the Site Development Committee. <br />3. The existing garage shall be removed within 30 days of final inspection <br />of the bus port. <br />4. Building permits shall not be issued until a site development permit has <br />been issued for all grading and excavation associated with the tennis court <br />and bus port. <br />3- <br />
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