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( SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: County Bond Measures: <br />'7 A - Creation of a Countywide transit district, which would initially provide <br />bus feeder line service and be financed by a County -wide one-half (') <br />cent increase in sales tax. <br />B - Would provide facilities for public services (juvenile, medical, <br />judicial, law enforcement, etc.) and would release existing sales tax <br />revenue for this purpose which is now restricted to capital improvements. <br />C - Would create and develop regional parks and recreational areas to be <br />financed by an increase in the property tax of a maximum of .04� per <br />$100.00 of assessed valuation. <br />Councilman Benson expressed support for Measures A, B, and C and reviewed <br />Santa Clara County Inter -City Council's considerations and support of the <br />measures. <br />Council discussion ensued, with Floor participation by Mrs. Ronsiek and <br />Mr. Donald E. Spencer, 27490 Sherlock Road. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Councilman Fowle moved, seconded by Helgesson, <br />that the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills hereby transmits to <br />the County Board of Supervisors its endorsement of County Measures A, B, and <br />C, was carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Benson, <br />Davey, Fowle, Helgesson, Mayor Aiken. Noes: None. Absent: None. <br />At 8:52 P. M., Mayor Aiken relinquished the gavel to Deputy Mayor Benson. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEMS: <br />1) RHUS RIDGE RANCHOS TENTATIVE AWP (357-69) Units #2 and #3, 12 lots, <br />23.8 acres, Moody Road. Engr. G. S. Nolte, Inc. <br />Staff report was presented noting the following: <br />1. The Planning Commission has recommended approval of private roads and <br />the granting of two Conditional Exceptions to the Subdivision Ordinance <br />to allow more than five lots to be served by a private road and to <br />permit a cul-de-sac length in excess of 8501. <br />2. With the exception of the end of Bassett Road, all private roads would <br />have rights-of-way and paving widths equivalent to public road standards. <br />3. A land donation to the public is proposed along the Adobe Creek drainage <br />channel, a brushed -out horse trail to be provided within the donation. <br />4. Los Altos Fire Department had recommended private roads not be allowed <br />in the subdivision, due to maintenance problems concerning removal of <br />overhanging limbs, brush, etc. <br />Staff recommended conditions to cover these matters of concern to the <br />Fire Department be included in the private road maintenance agreement, <br />which must be submitted as a condition of approval of the subdivision. <br />Council concurred. <br />Council discussion ensued concerning the 21 conditions of the Check List <br />recommended for approval by the Planning Commission, with Floor participation <br />by Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dana, applicant, who spoke in support of private roads <br />emphasizing the vandalism problems and fire hazards that exist in the area. <br />-4- <br />