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SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1: <br />PRESENTATION OF BIDS AND CONSIDERATION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR RECONSTRUCTION <br />OF CONCEPCION AND LOWER PORTION OF ALTAMONT ROAD. <br />City Engineer submitted bid summary for Gas Tax Project No. 22, noting the <br />following bids had been received: <br />Bahr & Ledoyen, Inc. - $141,925.29 <br />Perham Construction Co. - $162,836.55 <br />L. C. Smith - $183,049.45 <br />City Manager stated the law bid by Bahr & Ledoyen, Inc, was within the <br />Engineer's estimate for the project, noted only State Gas Tax Funds would <br />be spent on the project, and recommended the contract be awarded to the law <br />responsible bidder. <br />Council concurred to consider action under RESOLUTIONS on the agenda. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2• <br />PRESENTATION OF TOWN -WIDE CITIZENS' DRAINAGE COMMITTEE REPORT. <br />Councilman Helgesson, Chairman of the Town -wide Drainage Committee, reviewed <br />the Town -wide Citizens' Drainage Committee Report dated September 4, 1969 <br />(copies on file at the Town Hall). Councilman Helgesson reviewed drainage <br />deficiencies and Committee recommendations for improving the Tam drainage <br />system, noting the following: <br />4W 1. Future Town policy should incorporate the concept of using natural channel; <br />wherever possible. <br />2. The Town should embark on a drainage program as soon as possible and work <br />toward completion within fifteen years. <br />3. Select System road drainage improvements should be completed as Gas Tax <br />funds become available. <br />4. Financing totalling $750,000 for the recommended drainage priorities <br />should be obtained from the following sources: <br />(a) Adopt an ordinance establishing an assessment of $800.00 per <br />building site for new subdivisions. <br />(b) Adopt an ordinance establishing an assessment of .030 per square <br />foot of paved and roofed area for new construction. <br />5. A minimum amount of $20,000 per year be set aside for rehabilitation <br />andimprovements to drainage facilities. <br />Mayor Aiken expressed Council appreciation to Councilman Helgesson and the <br />members of the Drainage Committee, Messrs, Albert R. Clark, James G. Gable, <br />John L. Heid and Francis J. Jean. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Benson moved, seconded by Fowle and <br />carried unanimously, that the Council accept for review, with appreciation, <br />the report of the Town -wide Citizens' Drainage Committee. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1: <br />CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST LF H. A. NEIDHART FOR REPLACEMENT OF FENCE AT <br />10779 MAGDALENA ROAD. <br />City Manager reviewed letter from Mr. Neidhart dated August 13 requesting <br />Town installation of a fence removed from his property. Staff report was <br />presented, noting that in December of 1966 the fence had been removed to <br />-2- <br />