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UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO, 1: Neidhart cont'd.: <br />06 allow the Town to install a path adjacent to the Neidhart property. City <br />Manager stated the fence had been located in the public right-of-way and had <br />been removed and the path installed at Town expense. <br />City Attorney stated that the fence was public property due to its location <br />in the public right-of-way and that there was no legal basis to expend <br />public funds on private property, unless the Town could find public need <br />for the fence. <br />Council discussion ensued with Floor participation by Clayton J. Smith, <br />Building Inspector, and Mr. Neidhart, Mayor Aiken noted it was unfortunate <br />that the claim had not been presented in December, 1966, rather than waiting <br />until 1969. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Benson moved, seconded by <br />Helgesson and carried unanimously, that the claim of H. A, Neidhart, 10779 <br />Magdalena Road, for replacement of fence be denied. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: <br />STAFF REPORT ON REALIGNMENT OF SHERLOCK ROAD. <br />City Manager reviewed summary of events, noting Mr. James Bell, 27471 Sherlock <br />Road, had received tentative approval from the City Engineer to relocate a <br />section of Sherlock Road in mid-July. City Manager stated that upon receipt <br />of complaints and inspection, the realignment work had been stopped until a <br />Site Development Permit had been granted by the Town. Letter was read dated <br />40 September 8, 1969 signed by five property owners adjacent to Sherlock Road <br />stating their support of the relocation and their intent to not deprive anyone <br />of any rights -o£ -way which exist over Sherlock Road. <br />Mayor Aiken stated that, since Sherlock Road is a private road on private <br />property, the Town's interest is restricted to whether Town ordinances have <br />been violated and the only consideration before the Council is the require- <br />ment of a grading permit. <br />Council discussion ensued, with Floor participation by Thomas Williams, <br />18844 Dundee Avenue, Saratoga; Mrs. D. Miller, 13076 Vista del Valle Court; <br />Mrs. J. G. Ronsiek, 13023 Vista del Valle Court; James Bell; David Jansson; <br />and Commissioner L. Dawson. <br />Letter dated August 30, 1969 from Mr. David Janssen was read in its entirety, <br />at his request, stating free passage over Sherlock Road has been obstructed <br />and requesting the Town to restore Sherlock Road to its original grade and <br />alignment. <br />City Attorney noted the following: <br />1) Any private road could be realigned and the only jurisdiction the Town <br />would have would be to require compliance to Town ordinances, i.e., Site <br />Development Ordinance No. 133. <br />2) The Town Staff has an obligation to see that the plan and complete road <br />conform to Ordinance No. 133, but they have no jurisdiction to refuse to grant <br />a site development permit if the plan conforms to ordinance requirements. <br />04W Mayor Aiken requested the Staff to review penalties that could be added to <br />the Site Development Ordinance for enforcement by the Council, without court <br />action (such as, double fees required when the ordinance is violated,) <br />-3- <br />