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iP ORDINANCES• <br />1. Ordinance No. 133 - Second R_ading - Site Development Ordinance. REEL 3 <br />SIDE 2 <br />City Manager summarized all revisions noted in Minutes of December 18, TRACK 2 <br />1967 meeting. Suggestions and comments were heard from the Floor: 230 <br />Planning Cmamissioner Dawson; Messrs. E. A. Breynan, 13456 Wildcrest <br />Drive; a. C. Carmichael, 12791 Normandy Lane; John B. Moxon, 501 Felicia <br />way, Los Altos; and Max Bleisch, 12422 Robleda Road. Council discussion <br />ensued and the following changes and amendments were approved: <br />MOTIOU, SECONDED AND CARRIED: [Motion by Councilman Davey, seconded by <br />Councilman Benson, and carried unanimously to amend the amendment regard- <br />ing landscape architect requirement on Page B, Sub -section 7 'Ahen specially <br />required by City Engineer' to "When specially required by the Site Develop- <br />ment Committee." <br />Council approved the addition of the word "single" between 'a' and'lot' <br />on Page 5, first sentence. <br />Council deferred further discussion of Ordinance No. 133, following <br />completion of the scheduled agenda <br />Scheduled Iters Yio. 3. <br />to REPORT ON ELECTION CALENDAR FOR iMUNICIPAL. ELECTION - aoril 9, 1968. REEL 3 <br />SIDE 2. <br />City Attorney presented calendar information for the upcoming general TRACK 2 <br />election. Council was informed that their action will be required at 575 <br />the meeting on February 15, 1968. <br />Scheduled Iter. No. 4. ROT. 3 <br />PRESENTA10a OF HOMEOVA ERS FOR RESPONSIBLE ACTION: SIDE 2 <br />TRACK 2 <br />Mr. Stanley 4. Corbett's letter dated January 2, 1968 was read concern- 585 <br />ing the disposition of petitions against sewers. City Manager answered <br />statements in the letter pertaining to the reluctance of the Staff to <br />accept these petitions. <br />ORDINANCES CONTINUED: Ordinance No. 133 - Site Development Ordinance. REEL 3 <br />SIDE 2 <br />Council continued with the following additional amendments to Ord. #133: TRACK 2 <br />601 <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND G+RRI9D: Motion by Councilman Aiken, seconded by <br />Councilman Fowle, and carried unanirously, to adC. "or other qualified <br />persons" to P. 13, Section 8, Sub -sec. A, 1. <br />MOTION by Aiken and Seconded by Councilman Davey that the plot <br />Im plan be allowed to be drawn by a civil engineer or architect was with- <br />drawn to defer ordinance for further study, but it was decided to continue <br />with the discussion to complete a workable draft for Council. <br />-4- <br />