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SCSestaled it.. No. 2. <br />PR `1,11 G:, CALI OR.IIn TRUCKING i LCI T_lOr. s SL <br />Richarc =211- 1SSISLant Aanagrng Di actor o ina C-ilifornri D- <br />I IRK -• <br />Trnckinrg Association, L2<U Ha shore AgAn y, BuYlingame, -wade an oral 2"3 <br />pr>seatation exoressi vq As ci=.bowls ooposition to t'.e proposea <br />Truce 3.-m Or'-t_.noo, Po. 131. <br />Sc. ed:aLd L: No. <br />CON-SID6:LsTICN O*✓ [h iu DEVcLOPi,-NT ORDINA,,'C,i; BNS <br />City Ln gine er ravrzOed changes that Council d oreviously noprovW in SI 2 <br />c <br />the o*'.Man= in, discussed with t�e Council o0 -r nropor ,r oS an9aT:mC:.. "OL <br />MOTION: Council.,on Benson coved that Suh-section 66, P. 6, be s%dded <br />to the or`i.nanca as worded by the 3nginc2r. <br />Council discussion ensued concerning the wording. City laanagar saganseed <br />wording bj r3solvod oy doff and be pr ,sont s ' o schedul,d rs.Qig <br />Later on i o agcn& , <br />140'TI0I1 =NDF,; ti'. <br />Scheduled 02. 01. 6. <br />COS - DERATIU! OF ES i OR 3111, DAVaLOPitiWT ORDI14; jTC: .;bEL <br />City Arlin ar uresan eb. W proposed Fco F75etvul', Council discuss r.n ,SDA <br />n.wd withu'r p icipat Lon by: jUmson20 17 zston 1d TRACIS S: <br />to , :26 <br />ani Join B. iozon, 501 F21icia dig, Los altos. rsun cal ^nroed to <br />1. to no SO iW, ,.or 'Oteen awns. <br />NOTIDA, WCU'DaL) e.IID °RRIDD: Council _n '_ Zen-toved, seconded by Powle, <br />to reduce :Lnimum (not marc than 50 cubic y:.rds) Perwit Fee to G20,00. <br />The uot,on .s cirri_ Jy majow y voico vo, , Tounci]_man D:,v4y opposed. <br />5cacduL_C "_tem &o, 5, <br />CQ IDEMAICl G_ r_ h"`T D -n MOLlkrl.M . 121: AStiL <br />__nci etir ..,son aed - ro-cu-CL. nc of ice Ord.n enc_, imps -D.� 2 <br />ing '- 'ivo �r� iinv: :or <br />lots hnvinn aslc- n o_ 2550 or more, �1 ': <br />hQTIOH ASJD-uCO.10: =A'ccn Benson nry c, szconded by \i' en, tNi, <br />to Council_ i_ -au".c OS-1,1=nw Pa. 1'I. <br />Coctcil di ;sior n .w w_tn Floor ou iwn by: .its. D, A, r-;11er, <br />13076 Vis,. a1 l T,wboi count Gs <br />of >s jAll tates; .. <br />Johnson; viK J ns c�, c7�_-:G zrlo_. N, ; -a j, 01-"h, 25,W _cion <br />Drivo. <br />VOTE: T,. to .o -mace Grdio'ira '.o. A a, c'sri_O unanimously <br />by roll oil:'_ vat2: "i%on, Wnson, Div.y, aowle, inyor lP.,l-y, co ;. <br />Pone. Absont: N.n_. <br />.� Ordinanc=_ .io. 121 is .iectiv Kmodia-t-1y, being an urg2ocy int-rr <br />ordinance, abOpltld Pursuan' to &",5c o L42 Govecnt,ent Co,,. <br />