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SEWuR .:jS2S5MC1P1 DISTRICT YOJ. 3 continued: <br />I90TION, S3COND3D iIJD C4RRI.3D: Council.ian Fowle moved, Seconded by Davey, <br />that Resolution No. [26 be Opte _�s 'q wns carried: by a majority <br />roll call vote: "y's: Councilmen Livy, 'ovule, Mayor H,,nley. Noor <br />:+ikon, lensoa. bsent: None. <br />At Councilman :.ikon's request, tiro following statement is incorporated. <br />without objection, at this point of I Minutes: "I do not approve of the <br />pirticalir w -_y in which this district has been arranged ant presented,° <br />.,c CounciLaan Benson's request, th_ following statement is inccrporatei. <br />without objiCiion, at this point of the Minutes: "I don't went to force <br />sewers on z,;yone who does'i need or want tom." <br />City attorney introduced -nc: read in its ontirety Resolution !No. = M <br />a Acsolution o:: the City Council of 't._ Town of Los altos hills setting a <br />tir:e c. -i 'face for a hearing of protist in relation to the proposesacquisi- <br />tions and hiprovemants (7:„5 P. A., Perch 23, 106E at the Town 4011), <br />✓,OTIOtT, Ci CQJDBD :',ND C,,RRIHD: Council.ian Davay :coved, S_cooc'a-, by ;7Owle. <br />that Resolution No. 427 be adoptee as riaN, was carried by a majority <br />roll call vote: .lyes: Councilmen Davey, ',owlL, Player Henley, limes: <br />.ikon, Benson. Absent: None. <br />City -ttor 2y introduced and read in its entirety Resolution rlo. C2C, a <br />Resolution of the City Council of the Town of Los altos Hills relaying the <br />prevailing wage scale. <br />idOTI0111, ScCONDdD Alm C: RRIBD: Councilman Davey -coved, Seconded by Fov.+1=, <br />that Resolution No, ,26 be adopted as re:'.:i, was carried by a majority :oil <br />call vote: .yes: Councilmen Davey, 5'owle, [payor Henley. Boos: :+ikon, <br />Benson. absent: Hong. <br />City :Atorany introduced and read in ris entirety Resolution 00. '25, <br />a Resolution o' the City Council of the Town of Los altos kills calling <br />for sealed bias on construction of the- proposal. <br />[NOTION, SuCOYD3D :,14D C-FiRIHD: Councihaan Poole moved, Seconpci. by Dovey. <br />that nesclu iou No, o2g be adopted as Yij, was carried by '.aa -i :r <br />roll c=.11 vet.: lyes: Councilnen Davy, 'oirla, Mayor Henlo;'. <br />.:?'_en, Sanson. Absent: None. <br />CITY A�I.41G3a05 43PORT Continued: <br />2. City .gpr discussed the Stott', o�Ier to sell to the Total an <br />6.12 _cne parcel abutting O'Keof_ nvonuig real letter from Dennis <br />lhite, Division c: Highways, noting an appraisIId value of r2i,000 fes_ <br />iho p-rnel; read letter from Phillip Olivar, 25617 Wena Road, rsgnesting <br />the Tour to grant A s o-ar casement tLroug6 too parcel. Council <br />to dafer-iseussion of purchase of the property until it has been p;:cte1 <br />by t'ae Council. <br />fW 1+IOTIOiI, 03COt'DdD aT'D C'I:RIZD: Council n ia.v^_y nov.;d, SCCOnC 1 by rices. <br />that thi Council dirct Staff to procenti in .-squaring the case,ant. cca- <br />ditional upon the receipt by the Sta-f of the payment by NS. Olivar cnC <br />the ner-ss-^ry documents, was carrjo% unani.,.ously by roil call voter: <br />,yes: Councilmen nien, Henson, Davey, Jowle, NaY r 70nlOy, Tone. <br />dabsenu: Pons. <br />-5- <br />