CITY i,ludAGERIS REPORT Continued:
<br />3. City PIanager notee the resignation of the Town Maintenance t+M_n end
<br />stateB. ."z �+oul like to leave the position vacant until July 1, 7855,
<br />City iia,:ager requestad permission to hire a part -tine sccratary,
<br />MOTION, SaCONMD k!M Q RRIdD: Councile:an Davey :coved, `cccnced. by
<br />Benson, t%ai; th;: City Manager hire a part-tir:e secretary (for less t,, r
<br />20 hours per 'ae_t,:), was carrizd unaniiaously by roll call votes
<br />Councilmen tiikcn, Lonson, D=vey, rawle, Mayor Henley, Nocs:
<br />Jlbsant: None.
<br />PRE53:T1..TlOidS 'r Mq THa J LOO.;:
<br />It'ir.�.a Gs_ssevain, 27' 3 Cal �e-Sac e7_y, prosentad objections to .a
<br />r Burr-i2o^ of sswers in t':2 arc-. along 1110ody Roar,, and nets the- L-ffi-
<br />-ulty oP a cal ring building por.:i Le in t.:is area. Council nota. t107
<br />cv ire a'c ci: Ipting to leave t; :attar oesj to negotiaticn,
<br />I,c 01, 11r, dyers r, -cast >rlier in two meeting.
<br />1 'o sole_ 0n 3stablishing es for Lice Development. - -
<br />Co+an il- C: iorr.od ac ion until_ i'w:_rci -.til 1u2cting.
<br />ORDIiJ-i✓C3S:
<br />1 G ;'.mance Fo. 133 - Siva Dever-p_aent Crdinaneo. . irst
<br />- r�
<br />City n jineer r vr_wea recoru enczr ."r ot Dra;.nacre C tt
<br />the Council sgrcec3 to incorporate t esr e anges into the 2c0.. 3
<br />of tr- Or--''.in'-ice.
<br />City [itc0rney rear' the title of Ordinance No. 13-. an Or,�inancc of 'cha
<br />City C_,Iacrl of he Town of Los -'1,00 l regu i'iting tr s. _..-
<br />struction, r_,intenance or Alteration , curv-w�ys, gradin
<br />fills, an.oy er aspects of site it within tha TO m of Lc
<br />Hills, an : re.D cling Orclimmces i:nconsist-_ret her^with,
<br />!MICH, SXCIJDBD :,IID C.,RRLID: Council _
<br />that =alinq of Ordinance P,. 133 ba waived, was c "...
<br />n n_a0usly by Yell call vot-' -y_s: Councilron Aiken,
<br />nyor He._!_e y, Does: Hone.--bsont: ;ions.
<br />2. ordininee Ido. 135 - Seo -tic Tante Or- is=n cc.
<br />Council � rrst R2a,ling to I: rc. .th r.r_ating.
<br />O ncnc
<br />IT.. 137 - _water Y.,ncljiCrdin.:nc.e - =ccs
<br />City t -title o5 Gr ilo. 137, an O--: a .,
<br />..:o c h^ =,ity
<br />Cou._7Ic.� `:'.e To.=;. cl Los .altos —ills, Gran'ting to Cal
<br />5<rvix Co o_ny, a Corporation, Its ;u c,sscrs mcl
<br />Lay, Cons uct, iV! nt, i„ R:pn r n'' O^ : t n : . ,0` 7 ...
<br />Olusr ippaxacns in, over, along, .cros un.=, c5 nugl. ala --
<br />Public Straus, 3oas, ;.11�ys and Higl.w".ys th_ Toen o In, _ 's
<br />County of %=•rte: `Mara, :;t'_te of CalifOraia, for the
<br />Dist. ib'rtion 'or Donestic, agricultur:.'., In'tustrial, Ca: .. - '
<br />Lwr'ui Uscs i:i P urpos2s".
<br />-J-
<br />