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Scheduled Item No. 6, <br />REPORT. OF COM11ITTZa STUDYING OIKEEFE PROPERTY PURCHASE. <br />Mr. Milo G. Ertrard, 12760 Dianne Drive, Committee Chairman, reviewed tie <br />objectives and progress of the Committee and presented the following recom- <br />mendations: 1) that the O'Keefe property be acquired and retained by Los <br />Altos Hills on the open space concept, if possible; 2) that the purchase <br />from the State be made on an interest only agreement of 5 to 10 years duration. <br />Council extended its appreciation to the Cormnittee and referred the matter to <br />tie Sta.'f for further study and negotiation with the State. <br />Scheduler. Item 740. 7. <br />CONSIDdRATION AND APFOINTiCWT OF PLANNING COMMISSIONER - TERM OF GORDON E. <br />jj08 <br />BO:JLcR 2::PI373APRIL S, <br />Council concurreG without objection that this matter should be held over until <br />the new members of tee Council have been seated. <br />Unscbed�lec. _te'..: <br />OLNaR=_PHILLIP i_. _-(327-651 11 lots - 1217ATIVE HAP. Engr. J. R. Riley. <br />This iters t,.s-:+it..dra�m at the request o` i9r, J. R. Riley, representing <br />1,r.*Oliver. <br />Unscheduled Item No. 2. <br />7IIL_S, ;._L331_671 2 lots - Tentative Map. Engr. J. R. Riley. <br />This item was withdrawn at the request of v¢. J. R. Riley, representing <br />tir. Miles. <br />Unscheduled 1'ter,r No. 3. <br />LISTON, DR. 3D:7ARD(341341=6J) 2 lots - TENTATIVE f1AP. Engr. J. R. ^iley. <br />City Aanager reviewed the Tentative r4ap, noting that the Planning Commission <br />had unanimously recor,mended approval. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Benson moved, Seconded by Davey and <br />carried unanimously, that the Council approve the Tentative Map submitted by <br />Dr. Edward Lision <br />Unscnedulec', It_w 1To. 4. <br />CONSIfil_ATION OF COi_rTRACT FOR T.Z4FFIC 51GNAL HAINTENANCE. <br />p <br />City Managor roviewed signal maintenance agreements for three traffic signals <br />on u1 Bonin_ Avenue (at It. Nicholas School, Stonebrook Road, entrance to <br />Foothill Cali _,g,). City 7lanager noted Lhat Santa Clara County would maintain <br />the signals for $c0.00 each per mond: And that Traffic Signal Repair Co„ Inc. <br />of Sunnyvale would maintain the signals for $52,92 each per month, noting that <br />the contracts w: re similar in all other aspects. The City Manager recommended <br />the Traffic Signal Repair Co, contract, <br />y <br />MOTION, SECOND�3D AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, Seconded by Aiken and <br />4 <br />carried unanrnously, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the <br />4 <br />Traffic Signal Repair Company, Inc. contract. <br />_Zl- <br />