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Unschedulec_Itam iio ;5. 8�9 <br />DISCJSCIOn Ci= SANTA CLARA COUNTY POSITICH Oji ABAG. <br />i Council concurre] to `nr tars matter notil a- "ter nay 10, 1563 when Special <br />to Cox _,!_e _oox`s will be presented to toe ABAG General Assembly. <br />U_nsc5OWU o -_v 'tem Mo, .� <br />DCS U `IO: OF LITTER K306 VIRGINIA M. WOW re: AIR POLLUTION. Bbd <br />City n'.anagco read a letter from Virginia A. Suisait, 13390 Lennon'^ay dated ! <br />March 11, 1455 re: air pollution in the community. City Attorney and Council <br />discussed amisting burning regulations and enforcement problems, with Floor <br />participaKon by Don T. Hibner, Planning Commissioner. <br />Council concurred that the Staff should inform bars. Summit of the ordinances <br />in existonce ane should refer the letter to the Fire District for its <br />consideration. <br />PRESSNT-11064S FROh: ThS FLOOR: <br />Mr. Don E, Spencer, 27490 Sherlock P.oae, e,�Thasined that the Town needs A long <br />range forecast of e,,pendituros and revenues. <br />City Flana9ar not=_d that some work has been done in this area, but agreed tnat <br />.corn i� r23uxred. <br />Ike <br />REPOP.Ti: City Attorney: q <br />to 1. City =.i Corney noted receipt of escrow instructions regarding the Byrne <br />Propor.-iy and that in City Clerk could proceed to draw the appropriate warrants. <br />2) Ci'LS Attorney noted that Lha Weredith suit concerning subdivision iterove- <br />n2nts has Won settled and $1,000.00 paid to the Town. <br />3) City Attorney dis_assed zorthcoming ordinance on undergrounding usli.eies. <br />STAFF R`P0.;2T: ::ity Manager. <br />1. City Mzn�ger noted that City Clerk will attend State City Clerk's meeting <br />in Palo Alio, .April 24-26, 1966. <br />2) City .lanagcx reportnd on traffic accidents along Fremont Road Pro,-. Burka <br />to IW O, noting that one accident occurred in 1957. <br />3) City Manager noted that Los Altos Trails Club has requested permission to <br />instal.]two looted trail gates on the Byrne Property. Council concurred that <br />tlis natter s;ould be referred to the Staff and Pathways Committee. <br />A) City Aanager reviewed the granting of a flood control easement in <br />Tract No. 163,. (Pink Horse Rand:) to the Santa Clara County Flood Control and <br />water Conservation District. Mayor Henley turned over the gavel to Deputy <br />Mayor Davey. Courml discussion ensu,^.d concerning concrete channels and check <br />da:.:s to b%a uses in .adobe Creek. <br />Ci'ry iator-_y acro _meed and read in its entirety Resolution No. 054, a resolu- <br />tion o; tho licy Council of tho Town of Los Altos Hills granting a floodd control <br />sasemnt to toe Santa Clara County Flood Control and eater Conservation Oistr:ct. <br />`, IiOTION, SECONDED AND CARRI3D: Councilmen .owle :coved, seconded by Benson, that <br />Resolution No. -..W be adopted as read, was carried by the following roll call <br />vole: Ayes: Councilmen Aiken, Bronson, D vey, Fowle. (does: None. Abstained: <br />Payor _�,ualey, Absent: Nona. -5- <br />