IdDUU« u t si.: Au. j.
<br />City can g c Evitm - Ky. 2oscoa >aO not obtained all necessary invoices
<br />ani ano reoumtod hrL Lai _t'_r be d rerrcd to the bay 61> 221109-
<br />cijancll concurrn:d.
<br />_IVY Han;gor:
<br />City,_'z,egir presented Marc .c
<br />`pmcdit.. veport to the Council, noting
<br />i._t wil 7., o:- t�2 fiscal ye2r co=pl.ted, 7(Yo_- thr annual bu qct his
<br />b;en
<br />::ity anainowr:
<br />City n5'n2or prasonteo ,ate D2fic acy soport for 1 56 to the Council, in
<br />cmplimc, wit,,.sc.tion 2156 at tm btrQOLS and Highways Cods. City 7ouncil
<br />rovioms me Waco DOUCIency Rapori nOsing the To.m's deficiencies ma due
<br />.i -_inly to Lno view tart i... town does not cosply with trig Ctata O. 'n dards
<br />K 201 aids, roads.
<br />ADTION, 23COOOSD Arm 0,2RIED: Counoilnsn iken roved, secondee. by Fowle and
<br />carried unani. ..ously that too Council c.irect the City 3ng inem to .r._...
<br />No. 2156 Dificiaacy Report with the Scats of California.
<br />h_ IT
<br />Council,, .,owla roved, secondee by Davey that the bills as presentee, in
<br />c a,vm: t or &M,366.20 (THIRTO-SIX THOU5f.7113„I,. HUNDR:.,D - ID , S r! SIX
<br />DOLU MS im. iti:eaty Cents), be approved and the City Clerk suthoriend to
<br />Vznw L__ opproori t+ wirrants, was n r.ied. anininously by roll call vota.
<br />OTHER _ COUHGIL_�11:
<br />351
<br />Diayor ::ginley rslinquis.ic c, the gavel at Deputy NAyor Davey's request. Deputy
<br />,Mayor Da.v:>y introduced and read in its enzi_cty, Resolution He. .57, a
<br />r >n :t the City Counoil of t'no Torun of Los 11tos Hills 'honoring the
<br />Honorable 7Ibert T. -ienley for his nine -encone-half years c service_ to the
<br />City of £..e Town of Los altos fails.
<br />nDTIOIJ, _1HCOND;D _jU Q.RRIED: Deputy 1"iiour. Davey :,,ved, seconded by Benson,
<br />to;,, Resolution No. 057 bo adopted as read, was carried by 2_* ;ollowing
<br />roll c.11 vote: -.yos: Counc_luen !.teen, Banson, Fowle, Dopu'ty Anyor Davey.
<br />;'OLS: aono. :abs: in -d: mayor Henley. ,'.brant: Mono.
<br />ilputy D-.vey prosentad an engr-_�a'1 gavel and block to i,cyour Henley as
<br />gi£t rv:i ti.s i-211ow Cormcil.ien. iSayor Henley e,:pressed ;-is _pprecic.tion
<br />to i._ Co,rncil, _]c,c. and to tM_ Town.
<br />The a7v-1 ':as rctarnsd Lo Hayor Hent y w'uo ad _-Mcd ti. :rating is 8:0 P. O-
<br />to:
<br />(T WGUL,_. W)JCU IIED iEIDTLNG: Tu ay, april 15, 146€ at 7:eS P, A.
<br />at Toch. AM.
<br />4 i G T .w UL I=TING: naWy, My 6, 1;6,: et 7.h5 P. i., at 'Town Hall.
<br />�yiRDC.INTS A. L%:HR
<br />City Clerk -Treasurer
<br />Town of Los :'.ltos }fills
<br />