COhMWSICET10iiS cont'd.:
<br />11) Frani; ,i, Saul, Page mill Estates, data4 M��y 1, 1963, petitioning the
<br />L Council io p'- %lit the formation of Sewer [lssessncnt District No. 5 and pro-
<br />04W
<br />ro-
<br />posing to obligate the proportics he owns to finance this project.
<br />City i4an-.g2r suggested that the City Engineer and City Attorney prepare a
<br />nap and petition, rasp -actively, then the Council could determine boundaries
<br />for the district. iriyor Aiken noted he would like to see the map drawn
<br />consisting of only those property owners who want sewers.
<br />Council unanimously concurred that the i,ratter should be fi�ndled by the Staff
<br />and agendaed at a later data.
<br />12) Denis,'.rcaib,ld, dated i,pril 30, 1^6u, stating that to comply with the 135
<br />con8itioas of approval for their building site at the corner of :gamont and
<br />veranda Ro=ds, it would cost then approximately $8,000 plus 1/5 of the lot in
<br />__dice.tion. Nr. :.rchibald requested t'aet the in lieu paynen'c for street and
<br />pat]way construction be waived.
<br />Council discussion ensued concerning in lieu payments and Vic existence of
<br />spacial con Gi ii ons pertaining to the lot, with Floor participation by
<br />Commission_, Hionor, Mr. Archibald, Mr. Uh.alde, builder for i-ir. Srchibale, and
<br />Mrs. D, iiillsr. City Ranager noted that the required dedications are only
<br />10' and not 30' as indicated in the letter and also noted that the Staff felt
<br />lir. ..rc,ibc1c,'s _stinate of $zi,000-51000 .`or sewers wa.s excessive.
<br />HOTIOi1: Council[:.en Benson moved that the applicant pay in lieu fees for
<br />paths paving along Fremont (totalling x2,037 instead of 1`3,3C9).
<br />'ao,ion died for lack of a Second.
<br />Ar. Arc'.:ibald's request was denied due to lack of affirnativz-ction.
<br />SCHEDU[LD IT`ic9 i10. 1.
<br />ELECTIOil OF Dr_'PUTY i-inYOR: �E9
<br />d-.yor Aiken eaclared nominations for Deputy mayor open:
<br />,!Oi4I,d.,TIOiT:
<br />?7,41_T3R L. 3ENSCi'? by Councilman Leslie f.. Helgosson.
<br />MOTIOQ, 53CCNDED ilND CARRIED: Councilc:an Davey moved, seconded by Fowle and
<br />carried unanilously, that nominations be closed and a White Ballot cast for
<br />Councilman '.+alter A. Benson as Deputy Mayor for a one yoar tern, expiring
<br />Play 6, 1969.
<br />SCHEDULBD ITEM 140. 2.
<br />City Mancger noted that the position was already budgeted for the 1969 fiscal
<br />year and that Staff and Planning Commission recommended immediate retention,
<br />due to slope density implementation and a proposed General Plan review.
<br />City Manager further noted that the planning consultant would receive a
<br />r„onthly retainer of $350.00 for an estimated 21 hours per month of service.
<br />MOTION, SECOND --D ,-.ND CARRI'cD: Councilman Davey roved, seconded by Benson,
<br />that the Council hire the firm of 'Am. Spangle & Associates as part-time
<br />planning consultants, with the payment schedule as outlined by the City Manager,
<br />was carried unaninously by roll call vote: :+yes: Councilmen Benson, Davey,
<br />Fowle, Helgesson, Mayor liken. Noes: None. absent: None.
<br />-3-
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