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City Council Minutes
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8/3/2015 4:05:43 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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SCH3DULED ITIiIM NO. 3. <br />REPORT OF T04N-4IDE DiL,INAGE COIIIdITTS3 - C07NCILNAN HnLGESSON: 33/ <br />Councilman Halgesson, Chairman of the Drainage Conmittee, presented an <br />intern, committee report recommending that the Council instruct the City <br />Engineer to sxpand his previous drainage report to include the following <br />information: drainage deficiencies on roads, drainage facilities carrying <br />run-off from upper areas to natural channels on private property, roconmanda- <br />tions for a coordinated storm water drainage system, and recommendations for <br />projects on 0njor streams which should be referred to the Flood Control District. <br />Councilman Halgesson emphasized that the Committee believes a drainage im- <br />provemant fund should be started as soon as possible, to be used in accordance <br />with a priority list established by the Engineer and to be available for <br />drainage facilities in any part of the Town. <br />MOTION -ND SECOND: Councilman Benson roved, seconded by Davey, that the <br />Council appropriate an expenditure of 01,000.00 for an expanded study of the <br />drainage report by the City Engineer. <br />Council discussion ensued, with Floor participation by B. f.. Breyman, <br />Mrs. F. Olgi�ti, and Elmer Clark. <br />VOTE: Th_ motion was carried unanimously by roll call vote: Ayes: <br />Councilmen Benson, Davey, Fowls, Helgosson, Mayor Aiken. Noos: None. <br />. bssnt: None. <br />SCHnDUL.iD IT3iI NO, A. <br />( CONSIDdQ,TIO+ OF _CR_Hf.TION OF "OPEN SPAC3 RESERVE^ ZONE: OW <br />City KAnagar reviewed his memo to the Council dated April 26, 1968 noting <br />that Unto officials had confirmed the possibility of rezoning the O'Keefe <br />proporty from R-1 to O -S -R. City Manager further noted that if the <br />property is rezoned by the Town, the Stara '+could either auction the property, <br />restricted to opon space usage, or offer it to the Town at a reduced price. <br />Council directed Staff to proceed with necessary amendments to the Zoning <br />Ordinance and requested the Planning Commission to set a Public Hearing on <br />sane for June 10, 1968. <br />SCHEDUL_4D ITZ14 NO. 5. <br />PRES3i4TdTION OF FIRST DRYT OF BUDGET: <br />City 14anager noted the following highlights of the 1969 fiscal year budget: <br />1) a strost maintenance and construction budget totalling approximately <br />$200,000 (up from $780000 last year) or .approximately 50% of the total budget, <br />2) fate construction and maintenance program, 3) An employee hospitalization <br />program.., n) the establishment of the position of Town Planner, and 5) the <br />Addition of one maintenance man. <br />City Aanage'r noted that the total budget of $398,652 would be achieved while <br />retaining the .25 tax rate and that the Town's assessed valuation will <br />increase from $2-_,203,522 to an estimated $26,001,677. New sources of <br />revenue include California Water Service Co, franchise fee, real estate <br />transfer taxes and cigarette taxes. <br />SCO <br />
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