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SCHEDULED ITRvi NO. 6. 553 <br />hPPOINTt,,�NT 001 PLNKING COMMISSIONER: <br />4 Niyor an declared nominations open for position of Planning Counissioner <br />to fill tha expired tern of Gordon E. Bowler: <br />NoelIN..TIOi-0: DR. K/.Y B. i•e,GLEBY by Councilman 4alter A, Benson <br />MOTIO.7, SuCOrID3D :,ND CxRRIED: Councilman Helgesson roved, second; d by Fowle, <br />ane carries_• unaniucusly that nominations be closed and a White Balloi cast <br />for Dr. Kay B. iiagleby to r, full four yes -.r ter,-, expiring ,•pril �., 1972. <br />SCHEDULED L1I ,l NO. 7. <br />ST:TEP�i _ OF POLICY RE: SEDERS: AO <br />Council.aa Benson introduced and read in its entirety Resolution No. e.5J, a <br />rosol,tion of the Town of Los Altos -:fills regarding sewer policy (on file at <br />the Town 2,11). <br />MOTION -OD SSCQD: Councilman Benson novid, seconded by Helgesson, that <br />the CouncyT .adopt Resolution No. 056 as read. <br />Council discussion ensued, with Floor participation by Ars. S. ,Anderson, <br />blc ssrs. Breyuan, T. Marshall and S. Corbett. <br />Council concurred that Resolution No. -:58 be deferred to the May 20th Council <br /> t in g. <br />SCHEDULED IT -A 1.10. d. <br />CONSIDERTION OF SEPTIC TA1Y1C ORDINANCE: ��'� <br />-, <br />Council:,ian Helgesson noted t, -,at the 5e.ntn Clara County Health Department had <br />in6icated their willingness to accept changes in the ordinance which make it <br />..rare roasonable from the Town's viewpoint, Councilman Helgesson suggested <br />alininating systaq registration, Town pui:ping reports, inspection notices, <br />and inspaetions by the Town. <br />Council uisc_ssion onsuad concerning the nand for bettor reports on septic <br />iailuros, particularly in the Summerhill Aron. <br />AOTIO9, SECONDED i,ND CARRIED: Councilman Benson roved, seconded by Helgesson <br />and carried unanimously, that the Council h>roby requests the Santa Clare <br />County Health Department to present subsi,ntiated information indicating tho <br />locations of septic tank failures and violations of the septic tank ordinance <br />and the natura of these failures in proposed Sewer Assessnent District No, 4. <br />Council concurrod that additional discussions with the Health Dopartant ware <br />necessary and directed Staff to agenda the septic tank ordinance, No. 136, <br />for rirs'c Reading on May 20th, <br />UNSCHEDULED ITc1'i RO,1. 935 <br />HEIDLER, EDAYD (339-68) Tentative Map. Moody Road, 2 lots. Sngr. C. Coburn. <br />MOTION, SECOSD3D F,rID C RRIED: Council -an Davey moved, seconded by Benson and <br />carried unanimously, that the Tentative Map of Edward Heidler (339-68), 2 lots, <br />be Apprcvcd subject to the conditions of the Check List. <br />-5- <br />