<br />2) Resolution No. d60.
<br />City .:ttorn-y introduced and read in its cncir..ty Resolution No. X460,
<br />resolution o` the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills calling for
<br />bids on sale o£ i:.provenont bonds, "ewer 6ssessuent District ad. 3.
<br />City _ttcrn.;y not...'. the amount of unpaid assessments going to bond is
<br />$655,170.00.
<br />14011W, SECOND3D, -AD CARRICD: Councili]n Davey noved, seconded by Helgesson,
<br />that Resolution 00. n60 be adopted as road, was carried unanipously by roll
<br />call vote. .'ryas: Councilmen Benson, Davey, Fowls, Helgesson, Mayor token.
<br />Noes: Non_. Absent: None.
<br />ORDINANCE`• 37
<br />1) Ordinance No. 139.
<br />City a'etorney introduced and roviawen Ordin.nce No. 135, an ordinane_ of the
<br />Town of Los Alios Hills establishing rogul_tions and procedures for the
<br />removal of overhand utility facilities And the; installation of underground
<br />facilities in underground utility districts.
<br />POTION, SECONDZD f,ND CARRIED: Counciluan Davcy noved, seconded by Hslgosson,
<br />that £urth,r r2a'ing of Ordinance No. 139 be waived, was carried unanimously
<br />by roll call veto. eyes: Councilman Benson, Davey, Fawley Helgesson, mayor
<br />Nikon. Was: None. :.bsent: Non,.
<br />6 2) Ordin,nc_ No. 14.0. s 7
<br />City attorney introduced and reviewed Ordinance No. 140, an ordinance
<br />establishing Class Salary Schedule for the Town of Los Altos Hills for in--
<br />fiscal
<br />hefiscal year 1558-69.
<br />hWTION, S3COND3D all) CaRR16D: Council -an D-.vey moved, sacondod by Benson,
<br />that further r_=.cing of Ordinance No. 150 be waived, was carried unanimously
<br />by roll call vote, ny,_s: Ccuncils:,n Benson, Davey, Fowls, HwIgasson, Aayor
<br />i.iken. Noes: Ilona. -bsont: None.
<br />3) Ordinaries No. L.1. �Pl
<br />City Attorney introduced and reviewed Ordinance No. 141, an ordinance of the
<br />Town of L.,s Altos Hills establishing a drainage assessment fund and provisions
<br />for paycent Thereto.
<br />City Attorney noted tnat new subdivisions would be required to 2_oosit
<br />$.50.00 oar gross acre and that applicants for building permits would be
<br />nssessuO ane cent per square foot cov_.ed by the permit.
<br />MOTION, S3CONDED -AD CRRRIBD: Councilz,an Fowls noved, seconded by Benson,
<br />that fu'rtaor raiding of Ordinance No. 1.1 b, waived, was car&2unani"ously
<br />by roll call vote. ..yes: Councilmen Benson, Davey, Fowls, Helgesson, Mayor
<br />.ikon. ila: s:-idone. :absent: None.
<br />