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OI:DRJ.,NC31 Cont' d, : <br />16 1.) Ordinanra Ilo, 1:2. <br />113 <br />City At omoy introducad and reviewed Ordinance No, 142, an ordinance of <br />the City Council c: Los Itos Hills establishing connection and s._rvi_ce <br />charges for sanitary sower service t.: certain portions of the Town, <br />City itte)rnoy noted th_t for nll areas ccnnecting to Palo hlto liners, t_ <br />connection chargo is established as $150,00 and the annual service fee is <br />establishoW as 000.00. <br />YJARROTS: 119 <br />MOTION, ScCO11DBD a4l) C",RRIED: <br />Council'.aan _owlo novel, seconded by Benson, that the bills as pros_nted, in <br />the W,Ount If $54,298.25, be approved enc. tlna City Clerk authorizoC to draw <br />the appr.-,priat- warrants, was carri2o unani:nusly by roll cell vote. <br />..yos: Councilmon Benson, Davey, Fowl-, Halgesson, Mayor aikan, i4oes: Hone. <br />Absent: None. <br />Thorc being no "urtuor businass, Mayor ^Akan adjourned the maeting at 11:20 P, K, <br />to: <br />,4-,,'T 2WGULo, 7T-�TIIVG: Monday, Ay 20, 1968, at 7:45 P. N. at tie T -con Hall. <br />COUNCIL IPIDIC°TuD A QUORUM PROBoBLY :JILL NOT BE PR 53NT ON li Y 20 1'66, <br />60 IN ,JHICF -,VrAT TH IRS !d ILL BE , REGULIR ..DJOUi VdD rLETING Oil 3DNL5D Y, <br />m:,.2 22, 1960, ;;T 7:05 P. W. AT TH2 TO:uJ HL.LL. <br />Respectfully s7ub�uittod, <br />DEPJNI'o R. L4HI2 <br />City Clerk-Tr_asurar <br />5/6/68-nm� Town of Los ..Itos Hills <br />%W <br />