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SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1 - Sewer Policy cont'd.: <br />AMENDMENT NO. 4: Councilman Fowle moved, seconded by Davey and carried <br />unanimously by voice vote, that the first sentence in Section A, Sub. <br />section 2 (b) be amended to read as follows: ^an amount commensurate <br />with the value of having a trunk or collector line nearby.'i <br />Council discussion ensued with Floor participation by Be A. Breyman, <br />13456 Wilderest Drive, and Thomas Marshall, 25560 Altamont Road. <br />VOTE: Resolution No. 458 as amended (No. 4) was carried unanimously <br />by roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Benson, Davey, Fowle, Helgesson, <br />Mayor Aiken. Noes: None. Absent: None. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2 350 <br />AWARD OR REJECTION OF BIDS FOR BONDS IN SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 3: <br />City Attorney noted bids had been received at 3:00 P. M. on June 3, <br />1968 and that the low bid was submitted by Stone and Youngberg, <br />1314 Russ Building, San Francisco. City Attorney noted the bid in- <br />cluded the following: 97.31% of the principal amount; 5''% interest <br />rate upon bonds maturing 1968-71; 5-3/4% interest rate on bonds matur- <br />ing 1972-83; an estimated interest rate of 6.058764% (net). <br />City Attorney noted the bid was in proper form and recommended the <br />award of bids by resolution later in the Agenda. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3 <br />AWARD OR REJECTION OF BIDS FOR BONDS IN SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2: 369 <br />City Attorney recommended that the Council take no action at this time <br />due to pending litigation. <br />COMMUNICATIONS NOS. 3 and 4 continued re E1 Retire Retreat Application 3 73 <br />for Use Permit for Radio Antenna: <br />Council discussion ensued with the following objecting to the <br />application: Hugh Monahan, 13010 E. Sunset Drive; Robert Fish, 13210 <br />B. Sunset Drive; Stanley Weiss, 13208 E. Sunset Drive. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by <br />Benson and carried unanimously, that the Council go on record as <br />opposing the erection of a radio antenna on the 91 Retire Retreat <br />property located at 663 University Avenue, Los Altos and that the <br />Staff be directed to express this opposition to the Santa Clara County <br />Planning Commission. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 4 <br />CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR EXTRA -TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION FOR <br />SEWER DISTRICT• <br />City Manager reviewed request from Santa Clara County for the Town to <br />Y participate in a County Sewer District and requesting extra -territorial <br />jurisdiction for the following areas: LAH - Summerhill Area � 158 <br />potential connections; LAH2 - Magdalena Area - 314 potential connec- <br />tions; LAH3 - La Loma Area - 28 potential connections. <br />_3.. <br />