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SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1. <br />CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION TO STATE OF CALIFORNIA URGING A TEMPORARY BAN <br />OF TRUCKS FROM JUNIPERO SBRRA FREEWAY - MAYOR AIKEN. <br />Mayor Aiken noted that the Division of Highways has informed the Town that <br />it will be approximately two years before the State could enforce Los Altos <br />Hills' Ordinance No. 131, prohibiting trucks on the Freeway. Mayor Aiken <br />stated that the resolution to be considered later in the Agenda was an <br />attempt to temporarily ban trucks in the interim. <br />79 <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2. <br />PRESENTATION OF PROPOSED SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT #5 (PAGE MILL ESTATES) - 79 N <br />FRANK SAUL• <br />Mr. Frank W. Saul, developer, presented sewer proposal for approximately <br />thirty-eight (38) lots in Page Mill Estates. Mr. Saul noted that the main <br />line would come up Arastradero Road and be extended up Liddicoat Drive, <br />at a cost of approximately $2.300-2.800 per lot. Mr. Saul noted that 29 <br />lots are presently unimproved and that the time is opportune as six new <br />homes will he constructed in the near future. Mr. Saul stated that the <br />total number of lots involved was not definite at this time, noting that <br />lots #6 and 7 did not wish to connect. <br />Mayor Aiken noted that it would be in line with the Town's new sewer policy <br />to exclude lots #6 and 7, but that they would be required to pay their fair <br />share if they ever desired to connect to the lines. <br />Mr. Saul stated that he would proceed with the necessary requirements for <br />46 initiating sewer assessment district #5. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3. <br />CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO ANNEX CERTAIN AREAS TO CITY OF IAS ALTOS. 68v <br />Mr. Paul O. Reimer, representing George S. Nolte Consulting Civil <br />Engineers, Inc., reviewed the proposed annexation to Los Altos of approxi- <br />mately five (5) acres lying between the Old Fremont Avenue and Adobe Creek. <br />Council discussion ensued concerning the proposed development plans for the <br />property. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Benson moved, seconded by Fowle <br />and carried unanimously, that the Council approve the annexation of the <br />subject property to Los Altos. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1. <br />MIRRISON. G. D. (V-305-68) - Request for 25' reduction in street setback y/E <br />to 15' and 10' reduction in front setback to 30' at 25627 Elena Road for <br />residence addition. <br />Staff report was presented,noting that the Planning Commission unanimously <br />recommended approval. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by Benson <br />and carried unanimously, that the request of G. D. Morrison (V-905-68) <br />AV for 25' reduction in street setback to 15' and 10' reduction in front set- <br />back to 30' at 25627 Elena Road be approved. <br />-3- <br />