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SCHEDULED ITEM P10. 1: <br />CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF PAIR ALTO FOR SEWER MAINTENANCE. <br />City Manager noted the agreement had not been received from the City of <br />i Palo Alto, but would include the following provisions: 24 hour service: <br />�+ all equipment and services at reasonable rates; a minimum monthly service <br />charge of $200.00; and a surcharge between 25 and 50%. which will be paid <br />on a quarterly basis. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: <br />CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 458 res SEWER POLICY. <br />City Manager noted that Council had previouslyr".wecommended the following <br />additions to the Town sewer policy: 1) FutuiY) connectees will not receive <br />similar benefits at a lesser cost than original participants in a district; <br />2) Funds received from future connectees will be applied to the benefit <br />of all members of the district. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Benson mb ed, seconded by <br />Helgesson and carried unanimously, that the propossdi' ,lendment be changed <br />to read "Town polic3' instead of Council policy. <br />Council deferred adoption of the amendment to later in the Agenda under <br />Resolutions. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3: <br />CONSIDERATION OF CONTRACT WITH SANTA CLARA COUNTY FOR SHERIFF SERVICES <br />FOR 1968-69 FISCAL YEAR. <br />City Manager presented proposed agreement for police services with Santa <br />Clara County for the coming year. Mayor Aiken reviewed problems of past <br />agreements, noting the lack of reports on amount of Sheriff's time spent <br />in the Town and deficient residential patrol in the face of a rising crime <br />rate. <br />City Manager noted the following revisions in the proposed contract: <br />1) Daily activity reports would be prepared, including an hourly break- <br />down of services. <br />2) Six hours daily of residential patrol would be provided and four hours <br />of traffic patrol,compared to the current eight hours daily of traffic <br />patrol only. <br />3) Radar units will be utililized five shifts per week. <br />4) Contract to become effective September 1, 1968 at the total annual <br />cost of $42,089.04, representing an increase of approximately $7,000.00. <br />Council discussion ensued concerning the proposed agreement, crime pre- <br />vention effectiveness, patrol scheduling and magnetic signs on vehicles <br />stating "Los Altos Hills Police Department", with Floor participation by <br />C. D. Marron, representing County Sheriff's Office, Al Corduan and Ken <br />Young, representing Law Enforcement Committee, Thomas Marshall, 25560 <br />Altamont Road, Charles A. Walter, 24240 Summerhill Road. <br />Council concurred that the use of magnetic signs on residential patrol <br />160 would be desirable; that the agreement should stipulate that the ten hours <br />per day of service shall be exclusive of time consumed by Deputies answer- <br />ing basic law enforcement calls in the Town; that daily reporting shall <br />-3- <br />