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-4 - <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3. P-9 P <br />ROSE HILL ESTATES UNIT #2. TRACT N0, 4444, Final Map, Taaffe Road, 6 lots. <br />City Clerk presented Staff report noting that the Tentative Map of the 6 -lot <br />subdivision had been approved December 18, 1967 and that the Check List included <br />the following additional conditions: 1) In lieu payment for parks and open <br />space per Ordinance No. 117, and 2) No access to Taaffe Road for lots #1 and #2 <br />for 100' from common lot line of lots #1 and #2. <br />City Clerk also noted that approximately $24,000.00 for sanitary sewer improve:: <br />ments, engineering and inspection fees, and in -lieu payments had not been provided <br />for at this time. <br />Mr. Thomas Gamboa, representing Arbor Development, requested that the Final Map <br />be approved, with approving signatures withheld until necessary fees and bonds <br />had been deposited. Applicant agreed to meet�,ith the City Engineer to revise <br />the Final Map so as to include a path easement along the back of the subdivision, <br />as well as a connecting easement between lots to Taaffe Road, in order to conform <br />to the Master Path Plan. <br />Council concurred that the Final Map could not be approved until the fees were <br />paid and improvements provided for, due to the mandatory provisions of the <br />Subdivision Ordinance. Council also concurred that since the Final Map, as <br />revised, conforms to the Tentative Map, that Mr. Camboa could inform the Title <br />Company that the Final Map would be approved as soon as necessary fee and <br />improvement requirements were provided for. <br />4W Council discussion ensued concerning the an Qunt of in -lieu payments for road <br />improvements for Rose Hill Estates Unit #2 and the Miller Subdivision (347-68). <br />Following a recalculation of the estimated improvement costs, the City Engineer <br />stated the corrected cost should be $3,750 for the Miller Subdivision. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2 continued: <br />y3! <br />D. K. MILLER (347-68) Tentative Maps 2 lots. <br />Mr. D. K. Miller arrived at the meeting and was advised of the Council's previous <br />approval, subject to the amended Check List regarding path easements, and also <br />of;.the dgcreasod amount for thouNatoma Road frontage improvements ($3,750.00) - <br />Mr. Miller objected to the amended path requirement and to the cost of road <br />improvements as being excessive. <br />Council concurred the matter could be deferred at Mr. Miller's request to allow <br />further review or could be approved as corrected. Mr. Miller declined to request <br />a continuance. <br />MOTION AND SECOND: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by Fowle, that the previous <br />action of the Council approving the Tentative Map of D. K. Miller (347-68) be <br />amended to correct the amount of in -lieu road improvements to $3,750-00- <br />4W, Comments were heard from: Richard Towle, Mrs. D. A. Miller, 13076 Vista del <br />Valle Court, Chairman W. F. Hinckley, and Mr. D. K. Miller. <br />VOTE: The Motion to amend previous Motion was unanimously carried by voice vote. <br />