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-6 - <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 6: Martinelli continued: <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Denson moved, seconded by Helgesson <br />and carried unanimously, that the request of F. I. Martinelli be approved to <br />allow temporary septic tank permits for Tract No. 4114, said installation to be <br />in accordance with full and complete standards of Ordinance No. 136 and subject <br />to connection of sanitary sewers when available. <br />At 10:06 P.M., the Mayor adjourned the meeting to an Executive Session re 8iV'h <br />Personnel. <br />At 10:45 P.M., the Mayor reconvened the meeting. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. S: <br />CONSIDERATION AND APPOINTMENT OF PLANNING COMMISSIONER: <br />Councilman Benson placed in nomination the name of (MRS.) PRISCIILA WE'I HAitT. <br />There being no other nominations, the following Motion was carried: <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Benson moved, seconded by Helgesson, <br />that Priscilla Weisbart be appointed as Commissioner to the Planning Commission <br />for a term of four years, ending July 10, 1972, was carried by a majority roll <br />call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Henson, Helgesson, Mayor Aiken. Abstained: <br />Councilmen Davey, Fowle, Noes: None, Absent: None, <br />COMMUNICATIONS: WHITMAN continued: <br />Councilman Fowle reviewed the Planning Commission action and emphasized the <br />importance of achieving a drainage solution immediately for the Barron Creek <br />Drainage Basin. <br />Council discussion ensued, with participation by Commissioner Perkins, Mr. <br />Whitman, Mr. Towle and the City Engineer, concluding that financing of the <br />drainage problems was the real obstacle, and that this was a community problem. <br />Council concurred that the Drainage Committee should hold a public hearing as <br />soon as possible to analyze alternative drainage solutions and determine methods <br />of financing same. <br />Council advised Mr. Whitman that they would proceed as rapidly as possible and <br />suggested he consider dividing Carriage Hill Park into two units to allow interim <br />approval of the subdivision. Chairman Minckley invited Mr. Whitman to appear <br />at the Planning Commission Study Session August 26th for a preliminary hearing <br />on a two unit proposal. <br />TV <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 9: <br />STAFF REPORTS: CITY ATTORNEY: <br />City Attorney reported on the following subjects: <br />1) Regarding litigation in Sewer Assessment District No. 21 opposing counsel <br />has filed final brief and the judge is considering the evidence. <br />2) Re proposed Sewer Assessment District No. 5 (Page Mill Estates-Matadero Hills <br />Area), a resolution initiating this project will be presented to the Council in <br />the near future. <br />3) Regarding proposed Los Altos -Santa Clara County (LAH 1, 2 and 3) Assessment <br />District, Bond Counsel from the County will be present at the Council's next <br />meeting to present a resolution for extra -territorial jurisdiction and it is <br />likely that this resolution will adhere to the Town's sewer policy. <br />