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UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3: <br />APPOINTMENT OF TWO MEMBERS OF PATHWAY COMMITTEE TO REPRESENT THE TOWN IN �C 5 <br />DISCUSSIONS CONCERNING PATH RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND BICYCLE ROUTES WITH NEIGH80R- <br />ING JURISDICTIONS. <br />Mayor Aiken noted that pursuant to previous Council instructions to review <br />.the Town path situation, Mmes. Judith Carico, Florence Fava and Millie <br />Saviano had been appointed to the Pathway Committee. Mayor Aiken stated that <br />Councilman Davey and Commissioner Dawson would remain ex -officio members of <br />the Pathway Committee. <br />City Manager noted that Resolution No. 471 had created a committee of two <br />Pathway Members and the City Manager to represent the Town in negotiations <br />with neighboring jurisdictions and recommended that Mrs. E. L. Ginzton and <br />Mrs. R. M. Carico be officially appointed as the Pathway Committee <br />representatives. Council concurred. <br />COMMUNICATION: 4. 3, <br />1) City Manager read letter from Alan Helgesson, Vice -President, Board of <br />Directors of the Los Altos Hills Association, dated November 4, 1968, urging <br />Council review of the Site Development Ordinance with a view toward tighten- <br />ing controls. <br />Council discussion ensued concerning enforcement problems, potential loop- <br />holes, and grading cel'initica_, with Floor participation by Mr. Helgesson. <br />� <br />Cit � y Manager g suggested that the Staff review Ordinance No. 133 and submit <br />recommendations to the Council at the next meeting. Council concurred. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1: <br />to Consider Proposed Zone Change from R -A (Residential- 7y 3 <br />to OSR (Open Space Reserve) for the 8.124 Acre Parcel in the <br />Mayor Aiken declared the Public Hearing open at 8:10 P. M. <br />City Manager reviewed thebac:;ground of the proposed rezoning of the State- <br />owned property, noting the original impetus was the desire of the area <br />residents to retain the property as open space. City Manager noted that <br />recent discussions with the State indicate the possibility of the State <br />retaining ownership of the subject property, with the Town providing <br />maintenance. Mrs. R. M. Carico, 25311 O'Keefe Lane and Capt. (Ret.) Matthew <br />Schmidling, 12670 Dianne Drive spoke in favor of the rezoning. <br />Mayor Aiken expressed the Council's appreciation to the City Manager and <br />also to the State Division of Highways for their cooperative efforts. <br />Mayor Aiken declared the Public Hearing closed at 8:17 P. M. <br />City Attorney introduced and read the title o f Ordinance No. 151, an <br />ordinance of the Town of Los Altos Hills, amending Ordinance No. 78 of said <br />Town, as amended, by amending the zoning map of said Town by rezoning State <br />property from R -A District to OSR District. <br />MOTION, SECONDED, AND CARRIED: Councilman Bowle moved, seconded by Davey, <br />that further reading of Ordinance No. 151 be waived, was carried unanimously <br />by t:ao following roll call vote: Councilmen Benson, Davey, Fowle, Helgesson, <br />Mayor Aiken. Noes: None. Absent: None. <br />-2- <br />