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SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1: PUBLIC HEARING S.A.D. #5 cont'd <br />4W VOTE: The Motion to adopt Resolution No. 497 was carried unanimously by <br />the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Benson, Davey, Fowle, <br />Helgesson, Mayor Aiken. Noes: None. Absent: None. <br />Acting Manager stated that the sale of bonds would not occur until mid- <br />January and that the Town would accept cash payments for assessments <br />without interest until January 16, 1969. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: <br />REPORT OF NOISE ABATEMENT COMMITTEE. �$ <br />Donald A. Miller, Noise Abatement Committee Chairman, presented oral report <br />on committee's activities, noting the following highlights: <br />1) The Committee has prepared a report of its first-year activities and <br />received favorable response on same. <br />2) Experimental baffles have been installed on guard rails along the <br />Freeway in an attempt to decrease noise of tire and pavement origin. <br />3) Legislation is being actively pursued regarding the control of noise <br />pollution. <br />Mr. Miller stated that the Committee recommended that Ordinance No. 131 <br />and Resolution No. 466, banning trucks on Interstate 280, be retained and <br />that the State Director of Public Works be informed of the Town's intent <br />to pursue further the proposed truck ban. Mr. Miller recommended that the <br />Official State Study be carefully analyzed and verifying data obtained to <br />facilitate a rebuttal to the State's report and a request for reconsideration <br />of the truck ban decision. <br />Council concurred with the Committee's recommendations. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3: <br />ACTION AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF REAL PROPERTY (EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY RE: 8 <br />PARRSIDE SUBDIVISION): <br />Acting Manager reviewed the Parkside Subdivision Tentative Map, which had <br />been approved conditioned upon the exchange of 3.648 acres fronting on <br />Altamont Road in Byrne Park for portions of the proposed park corridor. <br />City Attorney stated that the necessary release by The Nature Conservancy <br />would have to be received prior to actual execution of a grant deed for <br />the property and recommended the Council authorize conveyance of the <br />property, subject to said receipt. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by Benson, <br />that the Council authorize the conveyance of lots,designated as #27, 28, <br />and 36 on Alternate Tentative Map of Parkside Subdivision (351-68), at such <br />time consent of The Nature Conservancy is received, and that the Mayor and <br />City Clerk be then authorized to execute said conveyance, was carried by <br />the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Benson, Davey, Fowle, <br />Helgesson, Mayor Aiken. Noes: None. Absent: None. <br />Acting Manager noted the Council had approved in principle Alternate II <br />Tentative Map, which would have exchanged five additional lots in Byrne Park <br />for the eight remaining lots along Moody Court. However, as indicated in <br />the communication previously read at the meeting, The Nature Conservancy <br />-4- <br />