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UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO, 6: S.A.D. #.2 cont'd.: <br />4WLowell lV. Morse noted that in the event sufficient funds were not available <br />to provide the $3,000 from incidental funds in the district, that the City <br />Attorney and City Engineer would take a corresponding decrease in their <br />fees on the district. Council commended City Attorney and City Engineer <br />for their willingness to bear a portion of the settlement. <br />40. <br />City Attorney introduced and read in its entirety Resolution No. 498, a <br />resolution of the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills approving <br />changes in Engineer's report, plans and specifications, Sewer Assessment <br />District No. 2. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Fowle moved, seconded by Helgesson, <br />that Resolution No. 498 be adopted as read, was carried by the following <br />roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Benson, Davey, Fowle, Helgesson, Mayor <br />Aiken. Noes: None. Absent: None. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 7: <br />CONSIDERATION OF CONSULTING SERVICES. <br />Acting Manager read letter from Lowell W. Morse, City Manager, dated December 1C <br />1968, outlining proposal for consulting services for the period commencing <br />December 16, 1968 and terminating with the commencement of duties of the new <br />manager. The proposal consisted of the following: <br />1) A retainer of $200 per month for attendance of Council meetings, Staff <br />meetings as required, and answering telephone calls. <br />2) A fee of $10.00 per hour for special projects or studies authorized by <br />the Council or Acting City Manager. <br />Council discussion ensued concerning the proposal for consulting services, <br />with Floor participation by Mrs. F. Olgiatti, who objected to the expenditure <br />of funds for consulting services. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Benson moved, seconded by Davey, <br />that Lowell W. Morse be retained as a consultant, pursuant to the terms <br />proposed in his letter dated December 10, 1968, was carried by the following <br />roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Benson, Davey, Fowle, Helgesson, Mayor <br />Aiken. Noes: None. Absent: None. <br />Council discussion ensued concerning the possible increase of salary for the <br />Acting City Manager during the interim period until a new manager is hired. <br />MOTION, AND SECOND: Councilman Benson moved, seconded by Davey, that Dennis <br />R. Lahr, Acting City Manager, receive an increase in salary to $1,000 per <br />month until a new City Manager takes office. <br />Lowell W. Morse noted that with an expenditure of $200.00 per month for con- <br />sulting services and an increase in the Acting City Manager's salary of <br />$137.00 per month, the Town would still be saving $1,353 per month due to <br />the elimination of the City Manager's salary. <br />VOTE: The above Motion to increase the Acting City Manager's salary was <br />carried by the following roll call vote: Councilmen Benson, Davey, Fowle, <br />Helgesson, Mayor Aiken. Noes: None. Absent: None. <br />-7- <br />