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UNSCHEDULED ITEMS: #8 - STAFF REPORTS: <br />4,- 1) Acting Manager reviewed letter from Pacific Gas & Electric Co., dated %b 7 <br />December 3, 1968, re underground conversion program and recommended that the <br />P. G. & B. allocation of $5,800 for 1968 and $6,500 for 1969 be carried over <br />to 1970 to be applied to the undergrounding of Fremont Road, between <br />Concepcion and St. Francis Drive. Acting Manager suggested P. G. & E. be <br />contacted concerning interest that would accrue on the allocated funds and <br />investigate the possibility of the Town actually receiving these funds, to <br />be held in a separate account. Council concurred. <br />Councilman Davey requested that Mr. Jack McKittrick, 12670 Viscaino Court, <br />be asked to assist in reviewing the cost analysis of the underground <br />conversion program. <br />2) Acting Manager reviewed letter from Wilfred R. George, Town Tree <br />Committee Chairman, requesting a City Councilman be appointed for liason <br />with the Committee and that a budget be appropriated for up to $4,000 for <br />tree planting and maintenance. Staff recommended that no budget allocation <br />be made at this time, but that the $1,000 available in the budget for Town <br />Hall landscaping be made available to the Committee. <br />Council concurred with the Staff recommendation and appointed Councilman <br />Helgesson as liason member of the Council to the Tree Committee. <br />3) Acting Manager recommended a fact sheet be submitted to property owners <br />in S.A.D. N3, concerning City responsibility, property owner responsibility, <br />and maintenance procedures for sewers. Council concurred. ''II <br />4W PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR: <br />1) Dr. Carl Ebnother, 14238 Stanford Court, stated he had been desirous of <br />being excluded from S.A.D. #5, but had not received notice of the Public <br />Hearing November 18th. Dr. Ebnother recommended the Council improve their <br />notification procedure, possibly by requiring return receipts on all notices. <br />Council expressed their regret that Dr. Ebnother had not received notice of <br />inclusion in the boundaries of S.A.D. Y.5 and noted that notices had been <br />mailed, posted and published pursuant to State requirements. <br />2) Mrs. Donald A. Miller, 13076 Vista del Valle Court, noted landscaping <br />deficiencies along Interstate 280. Mr. Morse stated that the Town would <br />request State Officials to review problem locations. <br />3) Mrs. F. Oligiatti, 25960 Vinedo Lane, noting excessive traffic patrol <br />by Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office and requesting increased residential <br />patrol. <br />WARRANTS: 59(7 <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Benson moved, seconded by Helgesson, <br />that bills as presented in the amount of TWENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED <br />SIXTY-TWO DOLLARS and Thirty Cents ($28,562.30) be approved, and the City <br />Clerk authorized to draw the appropriate warrants, was carried by the <br />following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Benson, Davey, Fowle, Helgesson, <br />Mayor Aiken. Noes: None. Absent: None. <br />-8- <br />