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NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd.): <br />2. Tracey, Walter - Request for Approval of In Lieu Payment, <br />Tract No. 2934. <br />The City Manager read letter dated February 18, 1965 from <br />Walter Tracy requesting approval of his engineer's proposed <br />inlieu-payment for the improvements of Tract No. 2934, rather <br />than the City Engineer's estimate. <br />Councilman Aiken investigated the matter and felt the Town's <br />interest could be best served by accepting the in lieu payment <br />but recommended the amount be the City Engineer's estimate; <br />however, it was Councilman Aiken's personal. opinion a 10% <br />reduction would be acceptable. <br />The City Engineer reported the difference in the estimated <br />costs stemmed from additional work called for on the Check <br />List and Improvement Plans, which were not covered by Engr. <br />Riley's estimate. - <br />ACTION: - <br />That the City'Engineer`s estimate of in lieu <br />payment for improvements of Tract No. 2934 be <br />-) accepted and approved. <br />MOTION: Henley; SECOND: Aiken <br />Since the Town will be contracting for the improvements on an <br />"in lieu" basis, it was discussed that, in this case, it might <br />be possible to omit the 10% contingency fee. Motion and Second <br />were withdrawn. <br />LOTION: <br />That the City Engineer's estimate, less the 10% <br />contingency factor, be taken as an in lieu <br />payment for improvements of Tract No. 2934. <br />MOTION: Henley; SECOND: Aiken; VOTE: Passed unanimously. <br />3. ;abandonment of General Public Easement - Lot #Fl, Tract <br />No. 1926, Fremont Rills Unit #2. <br />The City, Manager explained the abandonment is being requested <br />since the easement has never been used nor is it needed for <br />present or prospective public use. <br />The. City Manager introduced and read, in its entirety, <br />Resolution No. 296, a Resolution of the City Councilof the <br />Town of Los,Altos Hills abandoning certain general public <br />easements. <br />-3- <br />