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\ NFT.d BUSINESS: Abandonment of Easement (Cont'd.): <br />:CTION: <br />That Resolution No. 296 be adopted as read. <br />MOTION: Henley; SECOND: Aiken <br />ROLL: CALL: LYES: Aiken, Bowler, Fowls, Henley <br />Mayor Clayton ' <br />.. NOES: - None <br />ABSENT: None <br />4. Tree. Plantings. <br />The Mayor reported he had been contacted by Mr. W. R. George, <br />President of the Los 2,ltos Hills P.ssociation, regarding a <br />plan for organized tree planting throughout the Town. Mr. <br />George explained the stumbling block in this plan was the <br />maintenance of the trees and requested an expression of <br />support from the Council that the Town will water the trees <br />so it will be an effective program. <br />Commissioner Alter, at the request of Mr. George, told of a <br />plan wherein he and his neighbors plan to supply the proper <br />variety of trees and plant them along a portion of Magdalena <br />Road, if the Town would assume maintenance of these trees <br />for a period of 2 to 3 years. Commissioner Alter said tree <br />planting was discussed by the Planning Commission wherein the <br />subdivider would provide an in lieu payment for trees and the <br />Town would supply and maintain them; however, on Magdalena, <br />and in many sections of Town where there have been no new <br />subdivisions or never will be, there is. a real absence of <br />tree planting and with the support of the Council, Magdalena <br />could be used as a trial street to inspire the Hills Associa- <br />tion Committee and the Citizenry as to what a community can do. <br />The Council went on record as being agreeable to give as much <br />support as possible, but in order to stay within the Town's <br />resources, cost estimates were requested. <br />,:CTI ON: <br />That the Staff be asked to report at the March 150 <br />meeting suggested means, with cost estimates, <br />toward accomplishing the result of taking over <br />the maintenance of tree plantings by volunteer <br />groups as well as by subdividers and, in the <br />latter case, with some fee adopted to bear the <br />cost. <br />`�. MOTION: I:enley; SECOND: Bowler; VOTE: Passed unanimously. <br />4- <br />