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NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd..): <br />1 ' 2. Smith, Emerson (215-62) - Request for Extension of Time for <br />Piling- FinaMap. City Manager read letter dated March 2, 1965 from Wm. J. <br />Fernandez, attorney for Mr. Smith, explaining the reasons <br />for the extension. <br />At the request of the Mayor, the CityManagerreviewed the <br />case history .which has necessitated a request for "a third <br />extension and recommended denial since the submittal require - <br />rents of the ordinance had 'not been met. <br />ACTION: <br />That the request of Emerson Smith .(215-62) <br />for extension of time for filing Final Map be <br />denied, inasmuch as the Tentative Flap has lapsed <br />and no action is required by the Council. <br />MOTION: Bowler; SECOND.: Fowls; VOTE: Rased unanimously. <br />3. In lieu payments for improvements. <br />Councilman Fowls brought to the Council's attention that in <br />many instances where a subdivider has been permitted to <br />substitute a full width seal coat instead of the standard <br />improvement for � width of the road, the saving to .the sub- <br />divider has been substantial. When this alternative procedure <br />was initiated, it was his understanding that the substitute <br />..seal coat would cost within 80% of the equivalent cost of the <br />full '/z road improvement. It is now determined that the <br />difference is far from 80'/, but nearer 30%. Councilman Fowle <br />declared this was not his intention at the time., and believes <br />it was not the intention of the Council.' <br />Councilman Fowle, with the permission of the Council, <br />requested the City Attorney to prepare a resolution which <br />would provide guidelines for the Staffand City Engineer along <br />the thoughts that any subdivider may apply for the "in lieu" <br />substitute procedure but that he must furnish plans or make an <br />offer in dollars which would bring the alternate.. procedure <br />up to 80% (in dollars) of normal Town Standards. (Refer to <br />RESOLUTIONS, Resolution No. 298.) <br />.OLD BUSINESS: - <br />1. .City Cars. <br />In order to add to the effectiveness of the cars recently <br />purchased by the Town, Councilman Aiken proposed the following <br />). Motion: <br />