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Councilman Clayton expressed his desire for a complete, open <br />and unbiased investigation which will reveal all the facts the <br />^} Town's people want to see and hear. <br />Further discussion from the Floor was heard by Messrs. Bedell, <br />Mead, Wheeler, and Mesdames Toth and Weisbart. <br />An amendment to the original Motion by Councilman Clayton was <br />accepted by Mayor pro tem Aiken as follows: <br />AMENDMENT TO MOTION: <br />That the investigation be broadened to include <br />many items which have occurred within the past <br />year and that said committee shall have the <br />authority to go into secret meetings which have <br />transpired, thereby not limiting this investi- <br />gation to .the particular issue at hand. <br />AMENDED BY: Aiken; ACCEPTED: Clayton <br />In response to an inquiry from the Floor, the following <br />additional amendment was proposed: <br />:MENDMENT TO MOTION: <br />That all hearings of the Committee must be <br />(_ ) public, with no facts withheld, and such <br />-- hearings to be held at the Town Hall. <br />:MENDED BY: Aiken; ACCEPTED: Clayton <br />Comments were then heard from the Councilmen. Councilmen Fowle <br />and Henley were not in favor of the Motion, contending the only <br />issue before the Council was one of confidence in the Mayor and <br />not one of misconduct. Councilman Henley stated if it were the <br />wish of the Town's people to have a Committee (to which he had <br />no objection), their results would be the basis for action by <br />the electorate, but that it would not disturb the action already <br />taken by the Council. <br />Councilman Clayton supported the Motion in order that the <br />Committee might have the opportunity to delve in greater depth, <br />since he felt there were many facts not previously considered. <br />Mayor pro tem Aiken declared the charges which have been made <br />must be faced and the air cleared since the interest of the Town <br />must be paramount, contending his Motion will fairly and completely', <br />settle the matter. <br />It was clarified that the "secret meetings" referred to in one of <br />` the Amendments did not mean personnel or litigation sessions. <br />(� Councilman Bowler abstained from the discussion and voting. <br />-3- <br />