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6.t the request of the Council, and for the benefit o£ the Floor, <br />the Motion and Amendments"were grouped in the interest of clarity <br />and voted upon as follows: <br />AMENDED MOTION: <br />That a committee composed of persons other than <br />members of the official family of this Town be <br />formed to investigate this entire mess; that they <br />be charged to look into all facts without emotion <br />and bias and report specifically on the following: <br />1. What was Mr. Clayton's involvement in <br />the matter of the Taaffe property? <br />This committee to be comprised of: <br />1 person appointed by Mr. Clayton <br />1 person appointed by the opposition to Mr. Clayton <br />3 citizens of this Town selected by the above two <br />(2), and agreeable to these two (2) <br />This Committee is to report its findings in not more <br />than ninety (90) days; <br />That this Committee have the power of subpoena, but <br />that it use this power judiciously; <br />That the investigation be broadened to include many <br />items which have occurred within the past year and <br />that said Committee shall have the authority to go <br />into secret meetings which have transpired, thereby <br />not limiting this investigation to the particular <br />issue at hand; <br />That all hearings of the Committee must be public, <br />with no facts withheld, and such hearings to be <br />held at the Town Hall. <br />MOTION BY: Aiken; SECOND: Clayton <br />ROLL CP L: AYES: Clayton, Fowle, Henley <br />Mayor pro tem Aiken <br />�,. NOES: None <br />( ABSTAINED: Bowler <br />ABSENT: None <br />-4- <br />