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NEW BUSINESS: Resolution establishing Office of Deputy Mayor (Cont'd.) <br />AMENDED MOTION: <br />Adopt Resolution No.. 310 as amended. <br />:.MENDED BY: Bowler; ACCEPTED BY: Fowle <br />ROLL C;.LL: AYES: Councilmen Aiken, Bowler, Clayton, Fowle <br />Mayor Henley <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />2. Deputy Mayor - Nominations. ' <br />The -Chair declared the Floor open for Nominations for Deputy <br />Mayor. <br />NOMIlV,'.TIONS FOR DEPUTY MAYOR: <br />GORDON E. BOWLER - nominated by Councilman Fowle. <br />Councilman Bowler stated he had requested Councilman Fowle <br />to accept the nomination for Deputy Mayor, but only through <br />convincing and compelling reasons, is he honoring Councilman <br />Fowle'sdeclination. <br />Nomination seconded by Mayor Henley. <br />The Chair asked for further nominations; there being none, <br />the following action was proposed: <br />ACTION: <br />That Nominations be closed and the Secretary <br />cast a White Ballot. <br />MOTION: Fowle; SECOND: .Henley <br />Mr. Richard Towle, President of the Los Altos Hills Association, <br />appealed to the Council to reconsider the nomination of <br />Councilman Bowler and table the Motion on any vote until such <br />time as thestatus of his seat is clear. ' <br />Mrs. R. L. Jones, 10791 Magdalena G,venue, seconded this appeal. <br />Mr. E. A. Breyman, 13LV56 Wildcrest Drive, expressed the <br />opinion that Councilman Bowler is a member of the Council, <br />until proven otherwise, with the right to be Deputy Mayor. <br />Councilman Aiken stated his position as .follows: "It seems <br />logical to me to delay selecting Mr. Bowler for the Deputy <br />Mayor post until his place on this Council is confirmed. We <br />certainly will be subject to criticism if we place this <br />responsibility in his hands and then learn that legally he is <br />not seated. In addition, Mr. Bowler seems to be pro -cluster. <br />-3- <br />