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OLD BUSINESS: Clusters (Cont'd.): <br />Councilman Fowle was of the opinion there were no hidden <br />dangers that the residents should be concerned about. <br />Councilman Clayton, expressing his firm view against clusters, <br />thought there was justifiable concern. Ordinances can be <br />changed and these greater densities present future problems. <br />Councilman liken reiterated his stand against any type of <br />cluster, and that it transforms a rural town into a suburbia. <br />Councilman Bowler stated he would not 'favor any change to the <br />existing ordinances without benefit of public vote. 'le will <br />not participate in or sponsor any change to the existing <br />ordinance. <br />Mayor Henley announced to the Floor that a pledge from each <br />member of the Council has been given that no such zoning will <br />be changed without public vote of the people. Mayor Henley <br />also stated that he was well aware of the objectives of the Town, <br />having worked toward its incorporation, and although the Council <br />might possibly have different views on reaching that objective, <br />it is perfectly clear to all Councilmen. <br />NEV BUSINESS (Cont'd.): <br />3. Consideration of Procedure of Public Hearings Relating to <br />Subdivisions - Councilman Aiken. <br />Councilman liken proposed a change whereby the notification <br />procedure for individual variances is extended to all sub- <br />divisions.. Whenever a subdivision is scheduled before the <br />Planning Commission or City Council that public notice shall' _ <br />be given to the people living in that area and furthermore, if <br />any of the lots proposed are substandard, that this additional <br />notification be given to the public. <br />Councilman Bowler agreed completely in principle with the <br />change, however, questioned the Town's position if one sub- <br />. - standard lot were overlooked. <br />Commissioner Hibner suggested the zone of influence be extended <br />from 300' to 500', but did not see the need to specify <br />substandard lots. Councilman liken agreed to the increased zone <br />of influence, however, preferred to see the requirement of <br />conditional exceptions. stipulated. <br />The City fttorney was instructed to increase the radial dis- <br />tance from 300' to "500 feet", to require that conditional <br />exceptions be so noted on the notice of public hearing, that <br />the names and addresses will be supplied by the applicant at <br />the time of filing the Map, and that the period in which the <br />planning Commission shall act on the Tentative liap be increased <br />from thirty to forty days (as allowable by the State Slap Let ). <br />-5- <br />