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3.. t <br />DIVISIONSOF LAND: Tentative Mans. <br />1.. Corbetta Unit No. 2 (298-65) 6 lots. <br />In reviewing the Tentative Slap, Eng. Lyons, representing Mr. <br />L. Corbetta, was requested to include a site .location map. <br />The City Engineer reported the key point to this subdivision <br />was a recommendation from the County Health Department that <br />this unit be served by sanitary sewers. <br />Engr. Lyons requested the Council to consider a revision on <br />the Tentative clap regarding sewage disposal to be shown as <br />"Sanitary sewers.: subject to satisfactory arrangements with <br />the neighboring tract, Silent Hills with regardto its <br />installation." It was Mr. Corbetta s opinion that the expendi- <br />ture was not justified for a 6 -lot subdivision unless this <br />cost was shared. <br />Deputy Clerk read letter from the County Health Department <br />dated July 19, 1965 and it was noted the Department"recommended" <br />sewers, but was not a firm condition of approval <br />Since the Health Department also recommended sewers for the <br />.adjoining tract, Silent Hills, Eng. E. F. Ho,, of Target - <br />Engineering, and Mr. W. H. Miller, agent for the developers, <br />joined in the discussion. Mr. Miller reported the County <br />Health Department refused to release the results of the <br />percolation tests, merely indicating that the soil was poor <br />for individual sewage disposal systems. <br />Council .concurred that the County Health Department should be <br />present at the August 162 Council Meeting to present the results <br />of the percolation tests on Silent Hills and submit a complete <br />report of 'their requirements for these two. subdivisions. <br />Discussion followed as to the length and cost of the trunk <br />feeder lines, .the main objection of the developers being the <br />prohibitive cost for the off tract trunk lines. As an <br />alternative, Council suggested an assessment district be formed <br />to include the adjoining lands, however, Mr. .Miller was not <br />receptive due to the long, delay. in forming such a district. <br />Councilman liken proposed that a procedure be established wherein <br />the sewer system could be installed to serve additional areas. <br />with a refunding agreement onanappropriated share from <br />future subdivisions. This method would eliminate the waiting <br />period in which to form an assessment district. <br />U -3- <br />