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NEW BUSINESS: Towle, R. Id. (Cont'd.): <br />("f .ACTION <br />That the sentence as suggested by the Los Altos <br />Hills Association be added as an additional <br />sentence to the Preface of the Standard Specifi- <br />cations .for Subdivisions; and <br />That the final paragraph of the existing Preface <br />be amended to include the phrase "for preliminary <br />study" between the words 'solutions' and 'to', <br />and insert the word "final" between the words <br />'possible'. and 'approvah <br />NOTIO2+: Aiken; SECOND: Fowle; VOTE: passed unanimously. <br />3. Hemmeter Division -of Land - Request for Filing Record of Survey <br />in lieu of Final Map fort -lot Subdivision. <br />City Manager reviewed all Minutes pertinent to the background <br />of this subdivision. <br />Engr. J. W. Riley, representing Mr. Geo. T. Hemmeter, reported <br />that 75' of the offending drainfield has been relocated on <br />Lot #1 to the satisfaction of the Health Department and there <br />is an agreement between Messrs. Hemmeter. and R. L. Jones, owner <br />of Lot #l, which will allow the abandonment of the two easements <br />across parcel #2.Engr. Riley further stated that the required <br />30' dedication will be accomplished by deed and that the Record <br />of Survey will be marked "Lot #2 - Not a Building Site". <br />Discussion followed on the nature of the request of the applicant <br />and relevant comments were heard from Messrs. R. L. Jones, <br />Paddock and R. W. Towle, President of the Los Altos Hills <br />Association. The Council was assured there were no objections <br />from the concerned parties. <br />ACTION: <br />That the request of George T. Hemmeter to file a. <br />Record of Survey be granted in accordance with the <br />approving agencies and that Mr. Hemmeter file a <br />dedication of the thirty (30').feet along Magdalena <br />Road. <br />PIOTION: Fowle; SECOND: Aiken <br />- Tn answer to Mr. Jones, the City Attorney ruled that Lot #1 <br />remains a. valid building site, however, the City Ordinances <br />require that a Record of Survey or Final Map must be recorded <br />before 'a building permit can be issued. <br />The Question was called. VOTE: Passed unanimously. <br />-4- <br />