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PUBLIC HEARING: Sewer Assessment District No. 1 Cont'd.: <br />ACTION: <br />That Resolution No. 324 be adopted as read. <br />MOTION: Bowler; SECOND: Clayton <br />It was discussed that the City Clerk of the Town of Los ;altos <br />Hills will be the Collection Officer only during the cash payment <br />period of thirty days. after that, all unpaid assessments will <br />be placed on the tax rolls and collected by the County. <br />The Question was called: <br />ROLL CALL: AYES: Bowler, Clayton, Fowle, Mayor Henley <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: liken <br />OLD BUSINESS: <br />1. Fremont Hills Development Co. - Relief of Deposit. <br />In compliance with the Mayor's request to review the Town's <br />insurance in light of the above Company's request, the City <br />Attorney recommended no funds be released. <br />_ Mr. Wm. D. Coldiron, and Mr. Harry Fitzpatrick, of the Fremont <br />Hills Development Co., were present.. <br />C, <br />Considerable discussion .followed as to release of the $5,000.00 <br />deposit, as well as the refunding agreement, but no conclusion <br />was reached. - <br />,;CTI ON: <br />That this matter be deferred to another meeting; <br />in the meantime, it is the request of the Council <br />that the City Engineer, City Manager and City Attorney <br />discuss informally with a Fremont Hills' representative <br />to determine if any compromise solution might be <br />resolved that would be satisfactory to both sides. <br />MOTION: Fowls; SECOND: Clayton; VOTE: Passedunanimously. <br />Mr. Coldiron offered his services at this meeting. <br />2. Jones, Cary and Vicki - Claim for Damages. <br />Upon advice from the City Attorney, the following action was <br />taken: <br />ACTION: <br />That the claim of Cary and Vicki Jones be denied. <br />MOTION: Clayton; SECOND: Bowler; VOTE: Passed unanimously. <br />-3- <br />