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OLD BUSINESS (Cont'd.): <br />^� 3. Traffic Hilltop Drive - Renort of City Manager. <br />As requested by the City. Council, City Manager contacted the <br />California State :automobile C,.ssociation for suggestions. Nr. <br />,�. L. Wright, Traffic Engineer, recommended. cert-ain signing <br />and reflectorized guide markers along the curve, as per letter <br />dated October 20, 1965• These recommendations have been <br />carried out and are in existence. <br />Mr. Wright recommended against the centerline markers on <br />pavement as narrow as 18' wide. <br />BUSINESS: <br />1. Marc Sapir - Claim for Damages. <br />Upon recommendation of the City l.ttorney, the following Motion <br />was proposed: <br />:C'7I ON: <br />That the claim of Marc Sapir be denied. <br />TLOTION: Clayton; SECOYD: Towle <br />Mr. Sapir was present and gave his opinion on the safety <br />hazards of the road. <br />The C)uestion was called: VOTE: Passed unanimously. <br />2. Junipero Serra FreeKaL - Proposed Extension Westerly from <br />Page Mill Road. <br />City Manager referred to Drawing 5-R-1 showing proposed <br />extension and explained that only a small portion lies within <br />Los Altos Hills and would have little effect on the Town. <br />I CTIOld: <br />That the matter be filed. <br />MOTION: Fowle <br />Although this location had been thoroughly discussed pre- <br />. viously and the cloverleafs. reduced to two, the Deputy Mayor <br />suggested commentary be invited from thosecitizens so affected. <br />Councilman Fowle withdrew his Motion. <br />:.CTION: <br />That the City Clerk be instructed to re -agenda <br />Item 2 of New Business for the November 15t' <br />meeting so that comments may be heard. <br />POTION: Clayton; SEC -,ND, Aiken; VOTE: Passed unanimously. <br />-4- <br />