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") N -,W BU''.T_NE-..:7 (Cont'd.): <br />3. John M. Moore - Appeal of Requirement of Record of Survey <br />for Building Site 3Pproval. <br />Is attorney for Mr. and Mrs. Darling, owner of praparty off <br />Burke Road and shown on survey dated .I.pril 1951, and for <br />himself and wife as contract vendees, LTr. John M. Moore <br />apnealed for relief from the provision of Ordinance No. 102 <br />that a Record of Survey be filed. <br />Deputy. Mayor Bowler absentedhimself from: the discussion and <br />voting in view of his past association with T=r. Moore. <br />Mr. Moorefeltthat since a survey had. been made in 1951 and <br />the fact that the title company will insure title to the l�)t, <br />that the expense of a second survey would not be justified.. <br />Following discussion, it was ascertainedthat the 1951 survc-y <br />was not certified and that the attending civil engineer was <br />not in Possession of field notes to certify the data at this <br />time. <br />"CTION: <br />"-� That this matter go by way of the appropriate <br />application route. <br />!"OTIONi Clayton; SECOND: f.iken <br />The City .",ttarney advised that the appeal was not rroperly <br />before the Council and the Motion and Second were withdrawn. <br />It was further discussed that Ordinance No. 102 (Building <br />Site °:.pTroval) specifically requires that a Record of Survey <br />be certified; therefore any approval of a -survey which isnot <br />certified would defeat its basic purpose of ensuring- proper <br />setbacks, access, etc. <br />'`. C PI ON : <br />That the appeal of John P.. Moore be denied. <br />M^TION:. hiken; S 0OND: Clayton <br />-OIL C'LL: AYES: '.iken,. Clayton, ^swle <br />NOES: None <br />GBSEKT: Mayor Henley <br />P:B T.:INRD: Deputy Mayor Bowler <br />U <br />-5- <br />