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v%RIA:TCE�: Lindell (Cont'd.) <br />tr. Goetz felt that if the Lindells and the immediately <br />adjacent owners were to most together to discuss a "share <br />the cost" plan _`or underground utilities, this might solve <br />the problem. <br />The I"ayor agreed this was an excellent idea and they could be <br />assured of the cooperation of the 6taff. The 71anning <br />Com-_:^ission will be fully informed. <br />^IVI SI_2S'7 CF L"T'D: Tentative Pians. <br />1. Greene,i Ralrh _(272-64)_ 2 lots - -'n,-r. Mackay Somrs. <br />The City NFnag'er read_ the Planning Commission's Recoumendation <br />and submitted Nr. I•?acDonald's letter dated ^.pril 20t� to <br />the Council. The I'Ic Landless Comrany letter dated <"_rril CJt, <br />regarding the proposal for the Green and NacDonald properties, <br />o:,s referred to. <br />Mr. D. G. ITackay, representin', Pir. R. Greene, questioned the <br />feasibility of dividing where such extreme costs are involved. <br />for a 2-lot subdivision. <br />Commissioner Boiler felt there should be a "cost Ter lot" <br />criterion to determine the degree of hardship for the cost <br />i of imi,rovements in such a two-lot division. <br />.r. E. PIacDonald. was present and read the estimated costs <br />of his rec_uired iyzrovements and stated in order to crovide <br />the paths requested, extensive grading, leveling and -the <br />loss of at least four trees wouldbe necessa=. <br />Com-issioner 41ter, of the Tlanni_ng Co -s _fission, exTlained <br />his view in that he saw no need or the room for a path and <br />that the width of the Street required was not necessary. <br />ACTIOY. <br />That action on the Tentative Flap of the <br />Lands of Ialnh Greene be postponed_ and that <br />the 3taff be instructed to me,t with Pessrs. <br />iiacDonald and Greene to work out e, joint <br />proposal; and, <br />That the 6'entative Baps of Greene and MacDonald <br />be dated or. the Council Iiay 41=' Agenda, at which <br />time the previously Council ani,roved MacDonald <br />Tentative Map .!ill be reviewed for reconsideration <br />of the required conditions. <br />j,,)mTnl': Aiken, S32C" ' Henley, 9CT -eased unanimously. <br />-5- <br />