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OTHER BUSINESS: Ordinance No. 99 Cont'd.: <br />The Council expressed the desire to hear from the Planning <br />Commission their recommendations for possible modifications <br />to the Ordinance. <br />ACTION: <br />That the Planning Commission is requested to <br />develop and recommend to the Council a form of <br />variance to be applied to Ordinance No. 99 <br />in the case where <br />(a) A subdivision map exists, which has been <br />prepared in accordance with the State <br />Map Act and current standards, where <br />(b) Building site presented is proven to be <br />as actually shown on the map, and where <br />(c) Creditable markers of the corners that <br />affect the setback requirements for <br />building have been located, <br />That a variance might be granted waiving the re- <br />quirements for resurvey of tha land and resubmittal <br />of a map. <br />MOTION: Bowler; SECOND: Fowls; VOTE: Passed unanimously. <br />2) The Planning Commission questioned - If, at the time <br />of subdivision, a full set of improvements in accord- <br />ance with present requirements were made (pavement, <br />paths, etc.), then ten years elapse and the pavement <br />is cracked, is the applicant for building site <br />approval legally held for improvements. <br />It was discussed that improvements can be required. <br />3) The Planning Commission referred to Section 2, Excepti ;ns, <br />Par. (b) of Ordinance No. 99 and questioned that if <br />building site approval were granted and the owner did not <br />build within two years, would he be required to apply for <br />building site approval again. <br />The City Attorney explained this was the intent of the <br />ordinance, and the owner must go through the procedure and <br />resurvey. However, it would be a very simple matter for an <br />engineer to find his own points and resurvey his own map. <br />Possibly a waiver on a two year term would be in order if <br />there was sufficient reason. <br />Councilman Bowler said he was not against this Section, but. <br />1 felt it deserved modification. <br />-4- <br />