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TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS August 11, 2005 <br />Staff Revert to the Planning Commission <br />RE: CONDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR AN ADDITION AND <br />REMODEL AND VARIANCES TO ALLOW TWO UNDERSIZED PARKING <br />SPACES AND INCREASE OF MDA FROM 5,790 SQ. FT. TO 6,896 SQ. FT.; <br />LANDS OF COHEN; 13303 WILDCREST DRIVE; #81-05-ZP-SD-GD-VAR- <br />CDP. <br />FROM: Debbie Pedro, AICP, Senior Planner -PIF. <br />APPROVED BY: Cal Cahill, Planning Director C -C, - <br />RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission: <br />Approve the requested Conditional Development Permit and Variance, subject to the <br />recommended conditions and findings of approval in Attachments 1, 2, and 3. <br />The subject property is a 1.817 acre parcel located on a steep south -facing hillside at the <br />comer of Wildcrest and Robleda Drive. The property has an average slope of 47.2% and <br />a LUF of 0.369. The site is developed with a 3,358 sq. ft. single -story home with an <br />attached garage built in 1967. The existing home is situated on a cut and fill building pad <br />with steep slopes to the north and south. According to the applicant's geotechnical report <br />(Romig Engineers, Inc., 9/28/04), the southern portion of the house is located over a high <br />crawlspace that was converted into a carport around 1988. Staff researched the Town's <br />permit records and found that the previous owner had obtained a building permit for <br />foundation repair in 1988 but no permit was found for the construction of the subject <br />carport. The applicant is proposing an addition and remodel to the existing home, <br />widening of the driveway and construction of a hammerhead fire truck turnaround on the <br />property. <br />As required by Section 10-1.1104 of the Zoning Code, this application for an addition and <br />remodel has been forwarded to the Planning Commission for review and approval. A <br />Conditional Development Permit is required any time a proposed project is located on a <br />property with a Lot Unit Factor (LUF) of 0.50 or less. <br />Pursuant to Section 10-1.1107(3) of the Zoning Ordinance, the Planning Commission, in <br />reviewing a Conditional Development Permit application, determines whether the <br />