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Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />Lands of Cohen <br />13303 Wildcrest Drive <br />August 11, 2005 <br />Page 2 of 12 <br />proposed development meet the objectives and standards of the Town by considering <br />evidence in support of four necessary findings. Findings for approval of the Conditional <br />Development Permit is included for the Commission's review. (Attachments 2) In <br />addition, the Zoning and Site Development sections of the Municipal Code are used to <br />evaluate the proposal including building siting, floor and development area limitations, <br />grading, drainage, height, setbacks, visibility, and puking requirements. <br />DISCUSSION <br />Site Data: <br />Gross Lot Area: <br />1.817 acres <br />Net Lot Area: <br />1.817 acres <br />Average Slope: <br />47.2% <br />Lot Unit Factor: <br />0.369 <br />Floor Area and Development Area: <br />Area (sq. ft.) Maximum Existing Proposed Increase Remaining <br />Development 5,790 9,218' 6,896 -2,322 -1,106 <br />Floor 3,690 3,358 3,570 212 120 <br />'Development Area installed without permits by previous owner <br />The applicant is requesting approval of a Conditional Development Permit for an addition <br />and remodel to an existing house that will result in a net increase in 212 sq. ft. of floor <br />area. The proposed improvements include converting an existing carport into a two -car <br />garage, adding 244 sq. ft. of laundry and storage area behind the garage, adding 108 sq. ft. <br />to the first floor kitchen, dining room and family room, remodeling the existing garage <br />into a master bedroom, remodeling the interior space to reduce the ceiling height of the <br />first floor, widening the existing driveway and constructing a hammerhead fire track <br />turnaround. <br />The addition and remodel is occurring entirely within the footprint of the existing <br />building and should have minimal visual impacts to surrounding properties. The <br />proposed building meets the setback, height, and floor area requirements established in <br />Title 10, Zoning and Site Development, of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code. The <br />proposed development area exceeds the MDA and will require a variance. The maximum <br />building height on a vertical plane and maximum overall height from the lowest to <br />highest point is 30'. Pursuant to Section 10-1.504.a of the Municipal Code, the building <br />is eligible for an increase in structure height subject to an increase in distance from the <br />property lines. <br />