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UNSCHEDULED ITEMS Cont Id.: <br />6. Agreement for Existing Street Lights - Pacific Gas & Electric Co. <br />At the request of the City Council on 12/19/66, Mr. A. E. Corduan, <br />Chairman of the Law Enforcement Committee read from a prepared report <br />regarding the lighting in this area and concluded that in the matter <br />of traffic safety there was no need to maintain the lights in the <br />Burke, Fremont area. <br />Mayor read Los Altos Hills Association letter dated 12/30/66 opposing <br />the street lighting and suggesting private driveway lighting, and <br />results of a survey from the Association from the residents living in the <br />vicinity of the subject lights - results: 5 in favor, 8 opposed to the <br />lighting. <br />Mr. Charles Spitzer, of 25311 Fremont Road, spoke in favor of retaining <br />the lighting agreement in this area. <br />Mr. Fred Wickman, Sunset Drive, spoke in favor of the lights since there <br />is considerable night foot travel. <br />Councilman Bowler expressed his opinion that the six existing lights <br />were not there because of selective planning but merely a pattern of <br />lighting already existing within the County before incorporation, and, <br />on this basis, the lights would have to be ,justified. Councilman Davey <br />however believed the existing agreement should be retained since it had <br />been a part of the County Systen, and serves a purpose, but promised <br />personally to review the existing lights for one year to see that they <br />fill a specific need of safety and public interest. Councilman Aiken <br />had previously preferred to have the lights remain, however, since the <br />decrease in the traffic from the opening of the expressway, revised his <br />stand. <br />ACTION: <br />That the Mayor and City Manager be authorized to <br />execute the proposed lighting agreement to continue <br />the lights for one year and at the end of such time, <br />those lights will be discontinued unless they can <br />be shown to be a pattern of public safety and <br />necessity. <br />MOTION: Bowler; SECOND: Davey <br />ROLL CALL: 'AYES: Bowler, Davey, Mayor Henley <br />NOS: Aiken <br />ABSENT: Fowle <br />7. Appointment of Freeway Landscape Committee. <br />Mayor Henley announced the following appointments to the Junipero Serra <br />Freeway Landscape Committee: <br />Councilman Mary C. Davey <br />Planning Commissioner Gertrude S. Sherlock <br />Chairman of Tree Planting Committee, Preston Burchard <br />-3- <br />