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2. Roscoe. Wendell W. - Request for Extension of Time to File Final Map of Pink <br />Horse Ranch Subdivision Unit No. e. <br />,I Building Inspector recommended approval of the request. <br />ACTION: <br />That Wendell W. Roscoe be granted an extension of time, to Jan. 16, 1968, <br />to file final subdivision map of Pink Horse Ranch Unit No. 2. <br />MOTION: Fowle; SECOND: Aiken; VOTE: Passed unanimously <br />SCHEDULED ITEMS: <br />1. Discussion of Open Spaces and Parks. <br />Councilman Davey presented a communication from twenty-five citizens of the <br />Town, urging the Council to undertake a study to determine the desires and needs <br />of the community. This communication was referred to the Planning Commission <br />for study, public hearings and a recommendation to the Council. <br />It was pointed out that the public hearings should be well advertised, with the <br />ultimate goal being the gaining of the consensus of opinions and a recommendation <br />to the Council for action. <br />Councilmen Aiken and Fowle concurred with this recommendation. <br />The Mayor, hearing no objections, referred the matter to the Planning Commission <br />as recommended by Councilman Davey, <br />6CHEDULED ITEMS: Cont'd. <br />2. Consideration of Council Vacancy. <br />Mayor Henley announced that the City Clerk had received a letter of resignation, <br />from the City Council, from Gordon E. Bowler, effective 12:00 Noon, Jan- <br />uary 9, 1967. He presented Resolution No. 376, expressing gratitude for the <br />public service of Councilman Gordon E. Bowler. <br />ACTION <br />Adopt Resolution No. 376 as read. <br />MOTION: Mayor Henley; SECOND: Fowle; <br />ROLL CALL: AYES: Aiken, Davey, Fowle, Mayor Henley <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />Councilman Fowle stated that he deplored the action taken against Mr. Bowler, and <br />classified it as being unwarranted. He pointed out that, in his opinion, the suit <br />)hould have been withdrawn. He further expressed personal appreciation to Mr. Bowler, <br />and suggested that his talents not go unused. <br />-2- <br />